Domain name registration application skills and precautions

New website domain name application skills and precautions

So many posts Build website It is a relatively simple thing to register a domain name, but to avoid beginner friends stepping into a hole when choosing a domain name, I still post an article on how to choose a domain name for a novice website.

What is the domain name?

In Baidu Encyclopedia's words, domain name (English: Domain Name), referred to as domain name or domain, is the name of a computer or computer group on the Internet, which is composed of a string of names separated by dots. It is used to identify the computer's electronic location (sometimes geographical location) during data transmission.

use Daddy In other words, the websites you visit, such as or, are domain names.

Although it is now the world of mobile Internet and the demand for domain names has weakened, it is still necessary to choose a suitable domain name as a personal blog or professional website.

How to register a domain name?

stay How do novices build websites My father told me about where to buy the domain name? Foreign countries can namesilo Purchase (available to new users newnaiba Preferential code), privacy protection can be provided in China Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud Purchase.

The price of domain names is usually tens of yuan a year. If you want to use domestic servers, you are recommended to register with Alibaba Cloud or Tencent Cloud. If you do not use domestic servers, you are recommended to purchase them abroad. If your English is not good, then you should also buy in China.

How to choose a domain name?

Unless the domain name of. com cannot be selected, the first consideration must be the domain name with the suffix of. com. Secondly,. net. org. me can be considered. Other suffixes are not recommended.

      • . com: the world's most used, preferred for site building
      • . net: technical and network service websites
      • . org: non-commercial website or non-profit organization website (filing is not supported temporarily)
      • . me: personal blog or personal website

Choose a domain name that is related to the theme of your website and easy to remember. Do not use the hyphen "-" domain name. It is basically impossible to register a short. com domain name now, so Try to make the domain name meaningful, easy to remember and input

After choosing a domain name to start a website, there is no special reason. Don't change the domain name if you have nothing to do.

What pitfalls should I pay attention to when buying domain names?

Domain name price

If you buy the domain name of. com, it is basically about 60 yuan a year, and it may be cheaper in the first year when there are activities. But if you are not buying the domain name of. com, but other domain names of a very small number, you must pay attention to the renewal price, as shown in the following figure:

 Domain name renewal price

Some niche domain names are often very cheap in the first year, but the renewal price is different. The above figure shows the price of Tencent Cloud. xyz. The renewal price is still normal. The renewal price of some suffixes may be more than 100 yuan, which is not cost-effective.

Don't register with a small domain name provider.

Domain name history

When someone else's domain name is not renewed, the domain name can be re registered after a blank period. So after you select the domain name to be registered, you'd better check whether its history is clean.

There are websites on the Internet to check the history of whois. You can search, but directly, you can check whether the domain name you want to register is clean through the following points (it is possible that your domain name has been used as a garbage dump or an illegal site before)

      • Send the website to QQ to see the danger warning website No
      • Take the website to Baidu and other search engines to search for bad results

When you encounter a domain name with a black history, you may encounter a search engine that doesn't like it when you use it after registration. It has never included your website. When you use QQ related services, it will report you dangerous websites. For example, applications for small programs will not pass (you can apply for unsealing). In short, try to find a domain name with a clean history to register and use.

Domain name owner

No matter whether you are an individual or a company, please use your own identity to purchase (the company uses the company information or the boss's identity to purchase). If you want others to buy for you, you should also register your own account to let others buy for you. Do not give the domain name control to others.

The above is what the father shared Precautions for registering domain names on self built websites , I hope it can help you.

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