PHP converts numeric values to two decimal places

First, we need to understand the basic types of values in PHP. Numeric types in PHP include integer (int), floating point number (float)

First, we need to understand the basic types of values in PHP. Numeric types in PHP include integer (int), float, and double. In PHP, floating point numbers and double precision floating point numbers are data types that can calculate decimals. Therefore, we usually store the values to be calculated as floating point numbers or double precision floating point numbers.

In PHP, we can use the number_format() function to convert a numeric value to a specified number of decimal places. The syntax of this function is as follows:

 number_format(float $number, int $decimals = 0, string $dec_point = ".", string $thousands_sep = ",")

The first parameter, $number, is the value to be converted, and the second parameter, $decimals, is the number of decimal places reserved. The default value is 0. The third parameter, $dec_point, is a decimal character, such as ".". The fourth parameter, $thousands_sep, is the character to be used as a thousand separator, such as ",".

The example code is as follows:

 $number = 10.3456; echo number_format($number, 2);

The output result is: 10.35

In the above example, we use the number_format() function to convert $number to a floating point number with two decimal places, and print the result to the screen. Note that this function does not change the original value, but returns a new formatted string to realize the conversion.

In addition to using the number_format() function, we can also use the sprintf() function in PHP to format a number as a decimal number of specified digits. This function is similar to the printf() function in C language.

The example code is as follows:

 $number = 10.3456; echo sprintf("%.2f", $number);

The output result is: 10.35

In the above example, we used the% printf() function to convert $number to a floating point number with two decimal places and print the result to the screen. Note that this function does not change the original value, but returns a new formatted string for conversion.
