A few simple tips will teach you how to add icons and backgrounds to your computer's hard disk, USB flash drive, and folders. No software is required- Big cats can also be cute

A few simple tips will teach you how to add icons and backgrounds to your computer's hard disk, USB flash drive, and folders. No software is required!

Author: Big cats can also be cute Classification: Classification: Personal log Published on: 2012-6-14 10:04 ė 41245 views six 2 comments

In fact, I just want to make a summary on these websites.

You can find everything you need here. No nonsense, the tutorial begins

Step 1: add a background to the folder, hard disk and USB flash drive:

design sketch:

 Click to enlarge the picture

Smart people will surely find that the bottom of the window shows“ 0 objects (plus 3 hidden objects)

Q1: What is the hidden object?

A1: One picture icon configuration file (example file name 1. jpg 1. ico desktop. ini)

In fact, the key lies in the desktop.ini configuration file

Just put the following text inside to add a background to the folder.




IconArea_Image=(Write the picture name and extension here, such as 1. jpg)



As shown in Figure 1:


 Click to enlarge the picture


Step 2: Add an icon to the folder:

design sketch:


 Click to enlarge the picture


There are two ways to add icons to folders. The first is to use the principle of adding background to folders, which is also to use desktop.ini

The text is as follows. Follow the text below to get the effect picture



IconFile=(write icon name and extension here, such as 1. ico)


As shown in Figure 2:


  Click to enlarge the picture


The second way is to use the settings of the system itself to get the same effect (operate according to the figure)


 Click to enlarge the picture


If you combine the contents of desktop.ini in step 1 and step 2, you can get the folder background and icons. However, the second method of adding icons does not apply to U disks and hard disks. If you want to add icons to U disks and hard disks, please continue to look below.


Step 3 Add icons to the USB flash disk and hard disk

As shown in Figures 3 and 4:

 Click to enlarge the picture     Click to enlarge the picture

The USB stick will take effect the next time it is inserted into the computer, but the hard disk icon will take effect only after restarting the computer.

Just put the following files into a file named Autorun.inf


Icon= (Write the icon name and extension here, such as 1. ico)

As shown in Figure 5:

 Click to enlarge the picture

If the above tutorial is not completed Desktop.ini and Autorun.inf can create its own

To create it, just open Notepad and put the content in it and save it where you want

Remember to save it as all files or it may be saved as Desktop.ini.txt or Autorun.inf.txt

If you don't want to see these files, you can select all the files, right click the properties and tick the hidden ones

As shown in Figure 6:

 Click to enlarge the picture

This article is from Big Cat Huimeng. Please indicate the source and the corresponding link when reprinting.

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  1. An old saying 2014-01-07 16:33  Google Chrome 31.0.1650.63   Windows 7 x64 Edition
     [Smile] A long time ago, this method was used. Later, the ini file was often detected as a virus by the USB flash drive, and was automatically deleted... I didn't do it..
    1. Big cats can also be cute 2014-01-08 11:50  Google Chrome 21.0.1180.89   Windows XP
      @Old saying: That's because your soft killing is too sensitive. Some soft kills will not be reported.


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