Development tool color taking artifact - TakeColor - big cats will also be cute

Development tool Take Color

Author: Big cats can also be cute Classification: Classification: Software sharing Published at: 12:00, April 4, 2016 ė 3778 views six 2 comments
The annual April Fool's Day is coming again. Big Cat has specially sent an article to tell you not to be cheated today. This time, it brings you a small tool called TakeColor. For web or app developers, more or less sometimes, they can't remember the RGB value or hexadecimal value of a color completely. Then the following gadgets can help with color sampling and facilitate rapid development.

Its purpose is very simple. Just move the mouse to the position where you want to take the color, and the tool will display the hexadecimal or RGB value of the color. The tool also provides shortcut key operations. By default, just place the mouse on the position where you want to pick the color, and then press alt+c to automatically collect the color on the tool's panel. For our later operations, click the Copy button to collect the color to the clipboard. It is convenient for quick use in the open environment. The tool also provides a variety of color collection, which is enough to meet the needs of the open environment.

Official website of the tool: Click to enter

Finally, thanks to Han Xing for making the tool Chinese and easy to use

Download address: Click Download

This article is from Big Cat Huimeng. Please indicate the source and the corresponding link when reprinting.

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  1. Xiao Pang 2016-04-03 15:45  Google Chrome 45.0.2454.101   Windows 7 x64 Edition
     [Smile] Good stuff, a useful gadget.
    1. Big cats can also be cute 2016-04-06 02:47  Android Webkit 4.0   Android 5.1.1
      @Xiao Pang: [Scissors] This is necessary


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