How to refuse the acquisition of the mirror station - big cats will also be cute

How to refuse the acquisition of the mirror station

Author: Big cats can also be cute Classification: Classification: Reprint log Published on: 2016-3-31 20:29 ė 4362 views six 4 comments

First of all, I wish my blog a happy 4th birthday. The article should have been updated long ago because of the personal work of Big Cat and the fact that he has no machine to update, so the article was postponed to today. Thank you for your company over the years.

There was a very large mirror station before. The Internet has almost been copied once, and the long lost Google Brothers can even cross the wall to access it, which shows how strong the replication ability is. Big Cat was once killed because of the mirror station The cat will now release the shielding method.

If you are a virtual host or server administrator . htaccess can use the following methods

In your . htaccess Add the following, such as:

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from

To mask multiple IP addresses, add multiple Deny from IP address that will do

If the server does not support . htaccess can use the following methods

1、 If you have a virtual host, you need to contact the host vendor to enable it. Generally, the virtual host is enabled by default . Htaccess's

2、 If you are a server administrator, you can use the following methods:

1. Open httpd.conf
Set Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None 
Change to
Options FollowSymLinks 
AllowOverride All 
2. Remove the following notes
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
3. Restart the Apache service

With the above methods, how to reject the mirror station and make it invalid? If you happen to use a php website like Big Cat, save the code shared by Big Cat as ip.php and upload it to your server

<? php



Then replace the domain name with the domain name of the image station, such as, and the IP address of the image station will be displayed on the browser. At this time, just copy the IP and add it to . htaccess to disable the mirror station. Since it is too old, no pictures will be provided for the time being If you don't understand, please leave a message to Big Cat. If necessary, Big Cat will provide remote help to kill the mirror station.

Transferred from @Li Ming's Blog

This article is from Big Cat Huimeng. Please indicate the source and the corresponding link when reprinting.

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Lei Gui


  1. Yuban Network 2016-06-06 16:33  Google Chrome 45.0.2454.101   Windows 7 x64 Edition
    What is the website address of the mirror station? Let me see if my website can prevent it from being mirrored
    1. Big cats can also be cute 2016-06-30 23:23  Google Chrome 46.0.2490.86   Windows 7
      @Yuban Network: [Smile] Baidu searches the keywords of its own station
  2. Qicao Navigation 2016-04-22 22:13  Firefox 45.0   Windows XP
    Put some advertisements for others to pick.
    1. Big cats can also be cute 2016-04-26 12:47  Internet Explorer 8.0   Windows 7 x64 Edition
      @Qicao Navigation: [Sweat] I'm too lazy to take it. Anyway, it's not for profit. Just for interest


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