C # Open the specified directory and locate the file


open a folder


open a folder A file in:


open a folder And select a single file:

 System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Explorer", "/select,"+ FilePath+"\\"+FileName);


 System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Explorer.exe", "/select,"+ FilePath+"\\"+FileName);

Open the file with IE:




Note: (explorer, explorer.exe,select, Case insensitive, "/select," where "/," cannot be missing, FilePath is the file path and does not contain the file name)

Extension prompt: Application can be used StartupPath gets the directory where the application is located.


C # implementation:

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 private  void OpenFolderAndSelectFile(String fileFullName) { System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo psi = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo( " Explorer.exe " ); psi.Arguments = " /e,/select, " + fileFullName; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(psi); }
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reference resources:

Usage of Windows Explorer parameters.  

Explorer /n
This command opens an Explorer window with default settings. The content displayed is usually the root directory of the drive where Windows is installed.
Explorer /e
This command starts Windows Explorer using the default view.
Explorer /e,C:\Windows
This command starts Windows Explorer using the default view and focuses on C: Windows.
Explorer /root, C:\Windows\Cursors
This command starts Windows Explorer and focuses on C: Windows Cursors folder. This example uses C: Windows Cursors as the "root" directory of Windows Explorer.

Note: Please note the comma after the "/root" parameter in the command.

Explorer /select, C:\Windows\Cursors\banana.ani
This command starts Windows Explorer and selects the file "C: Windows Cursors banana. ani".

Note: Please note the comma after the "/select" parameter in the command.
Windows Explorer parameters can be combined in one command. The following example shows a combination of Windows Explorer command line parameters.
Explorer /root, \\server\share, select, Program.exe
This command starts Windows Explorer with the remote share as the "root" folder, and the Program.exe file will be selected.
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Change Windows Explorer default startup folder
To change the default startup folder for Windows Explorer:
Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then right-click Windows Explorer.
On the menu that appears, click Properties.
In the Target box, append the "/root" command line parameter to the "% SystemRoot% Explorer.exe" command and use the desired startup location. For example, if you want Windows Explorer to locate at the root of drive C after starting, edit the command as:
%SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /root, C:\

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