OpenSUSE manages wireless networks (networkManager/wicked/iwconfig)

This article introduces how to manage the wireless network in the openSUSE system, including listing wireless interface information, enabling and disabling interfaces, scanning Wi Fi, creating connection configurations, and setting static IP and DNS. It operates through networkManager, wicked and iwconfig tools, and provides a method to configure static DNS.
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1. List wireless network interfaces and wireless information

 #It mainly displays the information that the wireless network interface is wlp3s0, and its support or connected information hybian @linux - jsrn:/> /usr/sbin/iwconfig wlp3s0    IEEE eight hundred and two . eleven ESSID: "My_Girl*Love*_1031" Mode:Managed  Frequency: five . seven hundred and sixty-five GHz  Access Point: C4:A8:1D:8D: forty-four :CA    Bit Rate= six Mb/s   Tx-Power= thirty dBm    Retry short limit: seven RTS thr: off Fragment thr: off Power Management: off Link Quality= sixty-five / seventy Signal level=- forty-five dBm   Rx invalid nwid: zero Rx invalid crypt: zero Rx invalid frag: zero Tx excessive retries: nine Invalid misc: forty-five Missed beacon: zero lo no wireless extensions. enp2s0 no wireless extensions. vboxnet0 no wireless extensions. hybian @linux - jsrn:/>

2. Deactivate, enable

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