Looking at the Stars!

  1. A character made with Live2d or AnyPortrait, which is an original Lindinia
  2. Be able to master and use Unity, and successfully make a releasable game (So, how long will it take?
  3. An original song or BGM
  4. Create a Remix from a game BGM The first work is too elementary. You can further study 233
  5. An HTML imitating win10 desktop Irregular update/rewrite #(funny)
  6. Open the Test link portal, and prefer a declassified online game (use it to carry out your own learning journey.)
  7. Make a harvest scene
  8. Get an Xbox handle or PS5 handle


1. Install System through NuGet Text.Encoding.CodePages

2. Application System Text.Encoding.CodePages :

 System.Text.Encoding.RegisterProvider(System. Text.CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance);


 //Decompress with simplified Chinese code Using (var zip=new ZipArchive (your compressed file, ZipArchiveMode. Read, false, Encoding. GetEncoding ("GB2312")) { Zip. ExtractToDirectory (decompression path); } //Decompress in Japanese Shift_JIS encoding Using (var zip=new ZipArchive (your compressed file, ZipArchiveMode. Read, false, Encoding. GetEncoding ("Shift_JIS")) { Zip. ExtractToDirectory (decompression path); }

Affected version:

unplugin-auto-import 0.11.3-0.11.4

unplugin-vue-components 0.22.9

Issue and pull of the problem:

refactor(ctx): adjust the usage of throttle by atzcl · Pull Request #289 · antfu/unplugin-auto-import (github.com)

callback.apply is not a function · Issue #537 · antfu/unplugin-vue-components (github.com)

Temporary solution before new version:

Rollback the unplugin auto import to 0.11.2

Roll back unplugin vue components to 0.22.8

Upgrade @ antfu/utils to version 0.6.1 or above

 ssh -T  git@github.com

If "ssh: connect to host gitub.com port 22: Connection refreshed" or other errors appear when using the above command, open the file "C: Users your user name . Ssh config" (if not, create a new one), and enter the following contents

 Host * ProxyCommand "C:/your git location/mingw64/bin/connect. exe" - S h% p

Host * here can be replaced by Host github.com. Finally, execute the following command test:

 ssh -T  git@github.com

Qianqian Silence was drafted in 2001, and then came out in 2002. At that time, Qianqian Silence was a free closed source software, which was later acquired by Baidu in 2006.

Qianqian Silence was renamed Baidu Music by Baidu, and then changed to Qianqian Music, but what about the PC side? It has been hidden by Baidu, including thousands of customized skins for listening.

Kuaitou browsing is an Android product developed after Qianqian listening. It is also a free closed source software like Qianqian listening, but its fate is the same. After being acquired by Jinshan, Kuaitou browsing has become the same bloated application as other big factory software, and then abandoned like Qianqian listening. However, the decompilation based on Android is simple, followed by the maintenance of other developers, which ensures the apparent purpose of quick image browsing.

From the birth of thousands of silent listening to the decline of quick picture browsing, I found that these two applications have some common points:

Closed source, free, can seize the common ground of users, acquisition, decline.

Closed source ensures that the software core will not be embezzled, and free has laid the foundation for users. In that era, it captured what users needed. The acquisition made developers withdraw cash after their efforts. Finally, the big factory tried to turn the acquired application into a money making machine, and finally played with a software that earned a lot of reputation.

In this experience, what would happen if one link chose another path? For example, if there was no acquisition in the year; Or the contract indicates that the software still belongs to the author at the time of acquisition, and the big factory will not interfere with the software; Or open source.

If there was no acquisition in that year, the result would be that developers would starve to death if they had no other income; If the software still belongs to the author and the big factory does not interfere with the software, as the big factory buys the game now, the decline of the software will ultimately fall on the operation of the author. Open source will eventually lead to players with the same core being as excellent as thousands of silent listening players, and they are likely to die in many closed source worlds in those years.

So was the author's choice right? For the author, yes, but for users and software, it is suffering.

Thousands of silent listening and quick picture browsing have fallen into history in another way. Why did it end badly? It is the operation of the big factory that makes these software the end of all this.

Do the new generation of users still need them? Where should the older generation of users go? They have got the answers they want in today's era.

 public static async Task ImportPackageAsync(string packagePath) { TaskCompletionSource<object> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<object>(); try { AssetDatabase.importPackageCancelled += OnImportPackageCancelled; AssetDatabase.importPackageCompleted += OnImportPackageCompleted; AssetDatabase.importPackageFailed += OnImportPackageFailed; AssetDatabase.ImportPackage(packagePath, false); await taskCompletionSource.Task; } catch (System. Exception exception) { Debug.LogException(exception); } finally { AssetDatabase.importPackageCancelled -= OnImportPackageCancelled; AssetDatabase.importPackageCompleted -= OnImportPackageCompleted; AssetDatabase.importPackageFailed -= OnImportPackageFailed; } void OnImportPackageCancelled(string packageName) { taskCompletionSource.SetCanceled(); } void OnImportPackageCompleted(string packageName) { taskCompletionSource.SetResult(null); } void OnImportPackageFailed(string packageName,  string errorMessage) { taskCompletionSource.SetException(new System. Exception(errorMessage)); } }

Code reference to Github: YLahin/TequilaLegacy/YL.Wrench.Unity.Editor/UnityPackageImporter.cs

If you want to live an ordinary life, don't give dreams.
Once you have a dream, you will try your best to break through the insipidity and advance towards the dream.
Recall your past, face the present and look forward to the future.

Click to go to: Colab

All Baidu accounts were stolen:

Lost 853
Lost 8853288

Don't trust any information of the above account in Baidu!

For bw2021

The following is a record for your own installation, not for novice Xiaobai. If you need to install, please learn the basic knowledge of Linux first.

Open the~directory first
cd ~

Then create the arch folder
mkdir arch

Then open it
cd arch

Then the wget image package and its md5
wget https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/archlinuxarm/os/ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz.md5

wget https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/archlinuxarm/os/ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz

Reopen the~directory
cd ~

clone https://github.com/sdrausty/TermuxArch Warehouse
git clone https://github.com/sdrausty/TermuxArch

Run the installation script
bash TermuxArch/setupTermuxArch.sh manual

There is an editor editing interface in the middle. If you find a line that starts with "Server=", please add a line at the beginning and add the following fields:

Server = https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/archlinuxarm/ $arch/$repo

If you don't see something that starts with "Server=", please press "ctrl"+"c" to enter the next editing. If you miss it, you can wait for installation for years.

After completion, the time is wrong. Run the following command:
cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime