Violent operation - Xiaobai can also increase unlimited reading for typecho articles

 Xiaoxiami of Menglang
2021-11-13 / 0 Comments / 4430 Reading / Checking whether to include


It's your fault that I didn't like or comment on so many articles. I can't help it. In order to make my reading better, I changed my reading violently.


I took great pains not to make you think the reading volume was a little fake.

At present, one person can only count the amount of reading once. I'm too lazy to study for the sake of simplicity and complexity. Directly modify the code to add 1 to the browsing volume

Change to+999 views, which means that every new user will read 999 more articles. Haha, it's really comfortable.

Dry dry

Now that you have the idea, you must do it.

And I'm not familiar typecho It doesn't matter. That's the purpose of this article - Xiaobai can also modify it.

  1. Open your own typecho Database, finding typecho_contents The table eye confirms the name of the browse volume field. My name is views


  2. Full file search views The core point: try to find the code related to 1. After all, most programmers can write magic constants, so directly find views + 1 As long as you see similar code, it is proved that the reading amount is increased by 1


  1. If you have too many topics, there may be multiple identical code fragments. So you need to confirm whether the code theme directory is the theme directory you are using now (as shown in the file path in Figure 2)
  2. Click the corresponding code to increase the amount of reading you need


  3. Upload the modified code to the corresponding theme path
  4. Test viewing effect


Another article of playing tricks. This article mainly provides ideas.


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