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Revolutionizing The Future Of Automation AI intelligent robot leader

AI robot | intelligent manufacturing | digital platform
 Revolutionizing  The Future Of Automation AI intelligent robot leader

Revolutionizing The Future Of Automation AI intelligent robot leader

AI robot | intelligent manufacturing | digital platform
 Revolutionizing  The Future Of Automation AI intelligent robot leader

About us


Committed to promoting the digital and automation transformation of the manufacturing industry

Provide innovative solutions for global manufacturing customers

It adopts the most advanced artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation technology, and can adapt to various complex manufacturing environments and tasks.

To improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, or increase manufacturing quality, we all have appropriate intelligent industrial robot solutions. Choose us, choose the successful future.

78% Proportion of industrial R&D investment
65+ R&D laboratory
58% Cost savings
99% Customer satisfaction

Customizable independent design and R&D

Advanced artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation technology can adapt to various complex manufacturing environments and task digitization and automation transformation

Using the most advanced artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation technology, it can adapt to various complex manufacturing environments and tasks and meet the needs of different industries, such as automobile manufacturing, electronic production, medical equipment manufacturing, etc

R&D laboratory and R&D center of the company

Based on the times, forge ahead

China's intelligent manufacturing 2.0 era is the era of artificial intelligence manufacturing

In the era of intelligent manufacturing in the 21st century, it is necessary to have multiple characteristics, such as technical strength, manufacturing capability, R&D team, ethical awareness and market sensitivity, to stand out and succeed in the competitive market

  • 1800 ㎡ fully automatic factory, fully guaranteeing the distribution at home and abroad
  • Warehousing and logistics in major cities across the country to ensure the direct supply of repair parts
  • 7 * 24 hours remote technical service, maintenance technical support door-to-door processing
  • 125 person software R&D team, supporting seamless platform upgrade

Strategic partners and service customers

Since 2018, we have served more than 2000 enterprises, reached strategic cooperation with excellent enterprises from all walks of life, and provided high-quality services

Company News and Industry News


 The era of intelligent manufacturing in the 21st century provides robot companies with unlimited machines

The era of intelligent manufacturing in the 21st century provides robot companies with unlimited opportunities and challenges

The era of intelligent manufacturing in the 21st century provides robot companies with unlimited opportunities and challenges. The following are some essential features of an intelligent robot R&D company: To sum up, an intelligent robot R&D company needs to have multiple characteristics such as technical strength, manufacturing capability, R&D team, ethical awareness and market sensitivity in the 21st century intelligent manufacturing era to stand out and succeed in the competitive market,

 The era of intelligent manufacturing in the 21st century provides robot companies with unlimited machines

The era of intelligent manufacturing in the 21st century provides robot companies with unlimited opportunities and challenges

The era of intelligent manufacturing in the 21st century provides robot companies with unlimited opportunities and challenges. The following are some essential features of an intelligent robot R&D company: To sum up, an intelligent robot R&D company needs to have multiple characteristics such as technical strength, manufacturing capability, R&D team, ethical awareness and market sensitivity in the 21st century intelligent manufacturing era to stand out and succeed in the competitive market,

 The era of intelligent manufacturing in the 21st century provides robot companies with unlimited machines

The era of intelligent manufacturing in the 21st century provides robot companies with unlimited opportunities and challenges

The era of intelligent manufacturing in the 21st century provides robot companies with unlimited opportunities and challenges. The following are some essential characteristics of an intelligent robot R&D company: To sum up, an intelligent robot R&D company needs to have multiple characteristics such as technical strength, manufacturing capability, R&D team, ethical awareness and market sensitivity in the 21st century intelligent manufacturing era to stand out and succeed in the competitive market,

 The era of intelligent manufacturing in the 21st century provides robot companies with unlimited machines

The era of intelligent manufacturing in the 21st century provides robot companies with unlimited opportunities and challenges

The era of intelligent manufacturing in the 21st century provides robot companies with unlimited opportunities and challenges. The following are some essential features of an intelligent robot R&D company: To sum up, an intelligent robot R&D company needs to have multiple characteristics such as technical strength, manufacturing capability, R&D team, ethical awareness and market sensitivity in the 21st century intelligent manufacturing era to stand out and succeed in the competitive market,

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Tel: 010-8855441 Mobile: 158-1234-567
Email: info@xxx.com
Address: No. 2963, Beijing No.1 Industrial Park

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