World Tree 「 Maze X game

  • Chinese name: World Tree Maze X
  • development: アトラス
  • Issued by: アトラス
  • music: Ancient Yousan
  • Character setting: Rixiang You'er
  • Alias: Etrian Odyssey Nexus
  • Platform: 3DS
  • Game type: DRPG
  • Number of visitors: one
  • Issue Date: August 2, 2018
  • Price: 6480 yen+tax
  • Official website:

Who plays this game?

/ 49 people want to play / 21 people have played / 4 people playing / 5 people hold / Two people abandoned
This work, special work, DS/3DS, education, maze of the world tree, the latest work, a collection of works ドーーとしはは 3DS uses とししは finally となる works です. "X (ク ス)" に は, シ リ ー, ズ, works, works, works, "12356" means "が込められおりりシリーズズををるにふさわしいいとししししすすす", a complete new work とししししすすしすす.


A satisfactory conclusion

by mobius1987 2021-6-1 17:04 (+0)
advantage 1. The largest capacity in the past. It took 90 hours for the boss to clear customs, compared with 60 hours for the five generations 2. The most career choices are unique. It's a pity that there are too many interesting professions in all generations, and they can't include all of them. For example, only the royal family can play buff roles, and poets, dancers and shamans have all failed. There are also some special professions, such as 2's bear/wolf, 2's Favernier, 3's machine (more)

Discussion board

Chute box

DevilPaean Played @ 2023-7-1 19:32

2020.08 2023.06.07-30:

You're bald too Played @ 2023-2-8 17:36

Recently, I was filling in the personal hobby form of the game career and suddenly thought that I had too many candidates for "he is so small and I love him so much". I really like its traditional DRPG style

Long swinging era Want to play @ 2022-11-27 19:31

dungeon crawl

BigMoon Played @ 2022-8-30 06:24

Many people say that the balance of the World Tree is poor, but as long as you are not so utilitarian, vulnerable characters can still combine the play methods they want to play to pass the customs. There are wheelchairs and unique skills. Isn't that the advantage of single player games

I really want to talk about mdzz Played @ 2021-11-27 20:56

Cherry Blossom Sky Tower Are you going to die with Shen Ji tonight

Wang? Bark, bark! Playing @ 2021-8-11 12:47

Apart from the fact that there is no Chinese translation, we need to watch the translation game. It is also a masterpiece of the World Tree. We hope that the World Tree series can continue to be launched on NS

Zhuang Sheng Xiaomeng Want to play @ 2020-10-1 22:43

The style of painting pokes at my g point, and the theme of the American version of 3ds's esphop is free, and the piano bgm is also beautiful, but it is not Chinese. First, mark when you will retire.

wyq928576 Played @ 2018-9-22 16:55

The most playable generation has a real 100+game duration, which is enough for new entrants. There is nothing new and a pile of old materials, so it's only 5 points for me

Ateli Played @ 2018-9-8 14:50

I really like this series

pocopokoMassage Played @ 2018-8-9 03:52

The last world tree on 3ds wanted to give full marks, but it was still a step away from perfection. The largest number of mazes in history, and the difficulty of solving small mazes can be rated as the highest in history. Almost all famous bosses of all dynasties appeared. The plot is still weak, but it is much better than Tree 5. Mengxin, who first contacted World Tree, does not recommend this work. It is too long, and previous generations of NPC and boss have interacted. Recommend new tree 2, tree 4 and tree 5 first

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