What is still lacking is time

Auth: Big Grey Date:2016/12/11       Cat: Grey mood        Word: 242 words in total

2016 is really going to pass, but I still seem to be in 2015. The wound on the hand has recovered, but the heart [expression] is not

I slowly found that I had changed. I was too comfortable with the status quo. It was time to change. You should not always hide. You should be brave to face it. You should also expand your social circle. It is easy to lose your way in a small circle. This hydrology article has been written and written for almost half a month, but it has not been sent out at the first time. Most of them are writing on their mobile phones when they are almost asleep. They are too lazy to see Duke Zhou when they think about it. Recently I spent some time watching the full version of Lang Ya Bang. I was fascinated by it at first sight. I don't like the routine of TV play now. I'll watch it later after the show is over

Grey memory from WordPress for Android

This article was first published on: The most missing thing is still time - grey memory

Time is still the most scarce number of messages: 43

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