Catch the tail of 2020

Auth: Big Grey Date:2020/12/13       Cat: Grey mood        Word: 740 words in total

Time passes quickly, and 2020 is coming to an end, while my big day still needs to wait

The weather is getting colder and colder day by day. Everyone else is in a down jacket, but I'm still in a suit. It's really cold 🥶!!!

In the past one or two months, I have renewed the vps. Although I sometimes feel tired of building such a station, there is always a voice in my heart that I cannot give up. 😂 The tile movers bought in 2017 have been used for a long time this year. It's a good feeling not to change the host. Before using the tile movers, they had to change one house every year.

I always feel that I am short of funds recently. Almost every month, I cannot make ends meet. My head is very painful and big. Buying rings, necklaces, bracelets, clothes... these are all big heads. Take photos, park, eat... or work hard to make money! 😅

Yesterday, I went to Xi'an City Wall to take wedding photos. The temperature is really low, and at least the tourists nearby are down jackets. At this time, I was deeply impressed by the sentence: beauty freezes people! I feel better about the sweater I wear inside. My daughter-in-law shivers with cold. I really love her 😳

It took about ten hours just to take photos. From 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., I didn't eat much food. I only took photos once in my life.

In fact, the most important thing in my heart is that our big day can go smoothly. I have waited for this day for a long time. I hope it will not be affected.

Not surprisingly, this should be the last article in 2020. There are too many things to do later. See you in 2021.

Grey memory from WordPress for Android

This article was first published on: Grasp the tail of 2020 - grey memory

Catch the Tail of 2020: 70

  1.  Grey memory MARSDEN MARSDEN

    At the same time, those who set up a website with the blogger could not continue. They are now operating the company's enterprise website. I admire the blogger's perseverance.

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