Grab the tail of 2018

Auth: Big Grey Date:2018/12/31       Cat: Grey mood        Word: 339 words in total

2018 is finally coming to an end. Big guys must have different gains. It snowed a few days ago, so I didn't have time to send photos. I took advantage of the last day of 2018 to send photos. I don't want to send pictures at the bottom of the box. My biggest gain in 2018 is that I bought a car, which makes travel convenient. Others didn't feel any change. I drove 5000 km for six months. The day before yesterday, I had my first service done. I replaced the engine filter and engine oil, and cleaned the air filter. The only free service passed like this? They say that Ford doesn't save fuel. It's better for me not to buy a car and save money. (Some people just can't see others well) 😂

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I don't want to write a summary. I feel constrained and depressed. Maybe others write, but I can't, and I'm too lazy to write. Here, I wish all friends a prosperous 2019, a successful career, and the best of luck.

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Catch the Tail of 2018: 67

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