
Auth: Big Grey Date:2015/01/25       Cat: Grey is often troubled        Word: 1818 words in total

Today, I changed the template of a foreigner, but when I opened the whiteboard, it was really troublesome. According to the online search method, every useful one was useful. Thanks to the help of some friends, such as idle clouds, wild cranes, Imagination Resources and Alliance Sources, I can't stand the constant reloading and importing.

The omnipotent Google saved me, and finally found that the key in the wp-config.php file was empty. Get the latest KEY from WP official to solve this sad story.

When I found these tables in the database, I thought they were viruses. I kept deleting them and quitting. Well, it's so confusing.

Wp-config.php is empty:

Popularize the following: Generally, we decompress WordPress, and then set the database connection information before using it. I don't know how many people have noticed the

define('AUTH_KEY',         'put your unique phrase here'); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY',  'put your unique phrase here'); define('LOGGED_IN_KEY',    'put your unique phrase here'); define('NONCE_KEY',        'put your unique phrase here'); define('AUTH_SALT',        'put your unique phrase here'); define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'put your unique phrase here'); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT',   'put your unique phrase here'); define('NONCE_SALT',       'put your unique phrase here');

They can also be used well without setting. Many people do not know the function of these things. The official explanation is that they can be used to enhance security and encrypt user information in cookies more effectively. The implementation method is to use more and more random strings to encrypt the password in the cookie, which is more difficult to crack. In fact, the original MD5 encryption is enough to prevent most people, so it can generally be ignored.

For WordPress 3.0+, visit https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ For example, we get:

define('AUTH_KEY',         'd6|Uo+_? hpeXJ`B`P k+||OI{1thn= nhG cLiDLzqTWr`mtOw>PM3Rf,g^#}X>m'); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY',  'o:=|&=R&BZ28=o0G+,uoM|KkCkSmF|[gE0ypx._* b&-,5-ISUV_.Xy7s/57]xHbc'); define('LOGGED_IN_KEY',    'DLz>J{#}vO:v<9Lq|56O$|9()5V+Aww! yzev8*_EKy:cWf0CK^?z)Bz]4p/`cn`A'); define('NONCE_KEY',        'Bo! K&;ojb2wNv]rBC5u$n}Peo-z?+nun?XozUqc+-7Pg9j6L}JhNUk~T<LtZ|/Rx'); define('AUTH_SALT',        '.)@ JzlTkK?w8(:6&8!~$ v0/8+v9ljQH+PX-;i-Q-W`fo/wzsd{T^; AQ4CXy5{ 6H'); define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'o+*)[Qsi)7x#(<W5;%)1&pi|/! Z+qV]:)T|@ey|?6~1+?,l]-%l+W$Ut|Q#>-h^S'); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT',   '3):<?; f7OWE),p|8&-z+n^KGMxxbdK,ia51`!|q`:f+)ON2|Bj[,ihRBld8&5u1S'); define('NONCE_SALT',       'm}tD>lca$R&Li-? DVeo9/F0|X5r4%Hh?9[*my8d8? ug~%[P-<TM-}Evf~$~({Hyw');

Put it in wp-config.php and it will be OK.

They are random strings. Using the URL above to generate them can ensure that every secret key in the world is unique. You should not remember these keys. You can set another set at any time, or use another set when upgrading and moving. As a result, users who do not need to log in again must enter their passwords again next time.

The whiteboard at the front desk and friends who can open it at the back desk can try this method.

This article was first published on: WordPress - Grey Memory

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