Hot June

Auth: Big Grey Date:2022/06/30       Cat: Grey mood        Word: 742 words in total

I have been thinking that June will be over if I don't update it, but I really don't know what to write

Since last month, the baby has been learning language slowly. Although the baby's language is completely "incomprehensible", it can actually guess the general meaning. At present, Niubao can climb forward and backward, roll over and sit down by herself. Yesterday, when she came home, Niubao uttered the voice of dada. It seems that you can talk right in front of you!

My daughter-in-law couldn't stay at home and wanted to go to work, but I had to send the baby back to her hometown, which was also an impossible thing. If I wanted to see Niubao later, it would increase a lot. Maybe someone said that it was not convenient to call WeChat now? I'm really worried about the way Niubao is still young. I have to go back home to see Niubao since my vacation started this month. My daughter-in-law has less work and vacation. I am busy these days

I received a gift from the company for my birthday in June. Although it's not much, it's just a little thoughtful. It's the same as last year. In addition to the gift card, there is something else. The other one is a bowl of noodles

Guanzhong continued to warn of high temperature. I remember that it was not so hot last year, and the climate this year was really abnormal. Now I feel a little sunstroke in the daytime, and my sweat is streaming, so I dare not go out in the sun.

Since last year, I have been in a lot of debt. At most, I feel I can't stand it! Fortunately, although there is still debt so far, it is still much better than last year. Last year, the website did not plan to do anything but was affected by debt By the way, I canceled the CDN of cloudflare. It's hard to say how to make a domestic visit. After all, it has been used for too long. Try the speed of "streaking" 😂。

A few days ago, I downloaded four car music songs from the fuel pipe. Many cars in China are charged! The oil pipe can download the music of the video, and the sound quality is pretty good. It will take five hours to listen to these music, which is easy to say

Where are you in the rain in June?

This article was first published on: Hot June - grey memory

Hot June: 34

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