The melancholy in my heart

Auth: Big Grey Date:2013/09/25       Cat: Grey mood        Word: 1333 words in total

It has always been believed that love is a two-way emotional exchange, an admiration of two hearts, a mutual delight, and a spark of soul soul collision, but ultimately it backfires. --------------Write in front

The falling flowers don't want to follow the flowing water. Why should the flowing water fall in love with the falling flowers.

If two people fall in love, they don't need to deliberately change themselves to please each other. If she doesn't like you, it's useless for you to pursue deliberately If you really like each other, it's too late to like each other. Do you have to be desperate to please?

Even if you moved her with sincerity, it was a bit reluctant to get the feeling. She did not accept you so much at the beginning. It must be that some of your conditions did not meet her expectations, and you were moved by your temporary actions. But over a long period of time, if she meets the ideal person, it is difficult to ensure that she will not change her mind. But people often say, "I can't live without her, I love her very much!" In fact, this idea is ridiculous. In life, who can't live without who? Without whom can the earth not rotate? Unless you really don't want to live, no one can stand in your way. Usually we think that the "only" thing is not true, but we do not have the heart to find it. True love comes from mutual admiration from the heart, and is based on mutual happiness. Any person who only cares about madly loving others, regardless of whether he is loved or not, or who only cares about taking, but does not know how to give sincerely, will not have a good ending. How many things can a person encounter in his life? Those who love you, those you love, all pass by one by one. But what you remember most here is that the first love is the first sweet experience of love, It is deeply rooted in your heart so that future friend conditions are all based on the TA. Maybe you still have the love letter of the year in your mailbox, which is hard to forget. After sweet love, from the perfect image period to ordinary, from unfamiliar to familiar, and even a few moles on your body say that you look good, but can't understand its meaning. Love is not love, But can accept the ordinary life Men will love women 100%, but women will always leave room to love. When one day a woman said to a man, "You should leave 30% to love yourself, and he cried, because it was too late to say that he had already paid 100%. Even if love is gone, life will continue. Happiness will always be in the future, but fate may be a responsibility to control love in your hands, Instead of feeling—— Please don't say love easily! Commitment, a promise to the future, -- if you are not sure, please do not promise that happiness is proportional to sorrow. Every love creates a myth, and love is a myth. It's very promising, but it's very scary. I cherish and have been carefully protecting this hard won relationship, but why, is it because I am not good at managing my own relationship? I really feel tired these days, and know more and more when I grow up. However, the invisible pressure from all aspects is overwhelming me. I'm confused, confused, helpless, but I don't know what to do. But who can understand, who can understand, I don't need anyone to understand. Sometimes I really hope that I will keep silent until I die and disappear I don't know what to say, but I really need to reflect on myself. The sword of emotion is really sharp. Even I thought I was weak and could be Cui. It hurt me so much. It's hard but I don't know what to do. Loneliness is like a leaf floating in the vast sea; Helpless, like a lost child; Now I feel like falling into a bottomless abyss, a little unable to laugh or cry, but I have lost my previous dedication and innocence to love. When I never believe in fate, I will be helpless, maybe I have really grown up. I just don't understand why people can't stay in the golden childhood all the time. Even if they are strong, why can't they escape? Maybe people have such a weak side, just want to bury it deep and not be excavated. I think, but how can everything go according to people's wishes? How can it be so perfect? Am I really naive? But I just want to never grow up, There would not be so much pain. A melancholy sky, a falling leaf, when can I erase the repeated melancholy in my heart.

This article was first published on: The melancholy in my heart - grey memory

The Mourning in the Heart: 23

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