The tragedy has begun

Auth: Big Grey Date:2015/02/2       Cat: Grey mood        Word: 632 words in total

I am lonely and have no medicine to cure. I often put many things under the perceptual magnifying glass, but this is just superficial rationality. Some people say that everyone has loneliness, but only myself knows my loneliness, which is an incurable disease that can't be cured. Because I am born with two hearts, two brains, my feelings, my thoughts and thoughts are double. But I have only one body, one world.

 Tragedy-began-1 This life, it seems that must be feeling holding company, with love entanglement. Everyone has the right to love the man she loves, also have the duty to protect the person I love each other, leaving only one twin, love is only the obligation. I wasted a lot of time, and I'm sorry a lot of people, I am very ashamed, very guilty. Why tragedy things always happen to me (is not only the love) , why me? beijukaishile Note: may, I don't really know yourself, from now on this site may stop updating. You can leave a message, I will return back to you as soon as possible. thank you . Last updated 2015.02.02 02:40 Grey memory from WordPress for Android

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The Tragedy Begins: 111

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