Time can't save the lovelorn

Auth: Big Grey Date:2014/12/7       Cat: Grey abstract        Word: 930 words in total

People always say that time and new lovers are the best medicine to cure lovelorn. But if you can figure out something, one second is all. Some things are hard to figure out, and life is also imprisonment.

On the list of things I hate, "two people who have been in love for a long time suddenly separated" must be ranked top three. Most people, however, still claim to say, "I wish you happiness" and "I wish you find a better person than me." They are crying behind the computer screen, but they still try their best to pretend to be free and easy, which makes people want to laugh at their childish affectations, but also feel distressed for them.

A couple I know but are not familiar with, once vowed to get married after graduation, but they did not contact each other for a long time. One day, they suddenly saw the state of girls' hair and felt that Singles Day was coming, but they were alone. Only then did they know that they had broken up silently. The couple's avatars that have remained unchanged for several years have been deleted, the microblog names have been changed, and the clues left by each other have been cleared away. In her state, her friend replied, "Never mind, it will be fine after a while." She said, "Yes, it will."

If there is one of the simplest professions in the world, it must be a psychologist when a friend is lovelorn, and anyone can casually prescribe "time" as a panacea. We all think that "universal hot water" is a joke, but we all know that "universal time" is also true.

A few years ago, when 33 days of lovelorn were hot, someone said that Huang Xiaoxian had loved Lu Fan for seven years, but it only took 33 days to forget him. In fact, Huang Xiaoxian has not forgotten Lu Fan for the past 33 days, but has become a version 2.0 of Huang Xiaoxian, a person who no longer lives for Lu Fan, but lives for a better self.

A girl I once met, two boyfriends broke up with her because of some personality contradictions, which made her feel frustrated. She once said, "I thought I had forgotten so long since I broke up with the first one, but when the current one broke up with me, I found that I was even more sad than the first time I was dumped, and the memories of the first break up flooded up, and I felt like a rotten person."

What she did was not to think about it, but to spend time killing her sadness, and she never found the real reason for breaking up. When she met the later one, all she could gamble on was luck.

If any lonely time after lovelorn doesn't let you grow up, you will waste those nights of tossing and turning, and the suffering brought to you by suffocating emotions. One day, when you face the same situation again, you will only become worse.

Time can't save the sad you, only you can save yourself. What time does is to numb you and make you used to it, but it can't let you down. Some things, if you can figure them out, one second is all. Some things, if you can't figure them out in your whole life, are also imprisonment.

What you really need is to learn to grow up in time to get a self healing ability. All this has nothing to do with time.

This article was first published on: Time can't save the lovelorn - Grey Chang's memory

Time Can't Save the Lovelorn: 27

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