Good luck in the Year of the Dragon

Auth: Big Grey Date:2024/02/9       Cat: Grey mood        Word: 176 words in total

It's the Spring Festival again. It's a pity that we can't set off fireworks and firecrackers. We have lost a little of the original flavor of the Spring Festival.

For so many years, only this year can I go home early on New Year's Eve. In the past, I had a holiday on the 29th of December. Time was too tight to prepare many things.

Year after year, the age has increased by one year, which has increased more social experience, but also weakened many things. Health and safety are the most important.

Here I wish you all the best in 2024: the spirit of the dragon and the horse, the prosperity of the dragon and the phoenix, the good luck of the year of the dragon, the fish leaping over the dragon's gate, the dragon leaping and the tiger leaping, the dragon leaping among the people, the dragon leaping and the phoenix singing, the dragon leaping all over the world

This article was first published on: Good Luck in the Year of the Dragon - Grey Memory

The Year of the Dragon: 36

  1.  Grey memory springwood springwood LV1

    Good luck in the Year of the Dragon – good luck – high morale – carry forward – spring returns – spring is pleasant – people call people to fight – strike grass to frighten the snake
    This is the primary school Chinese winter vacation homework in 2000, using the idiom "dragon" method from the dragon to the snake.

    2nd floor reply
  2.  Gray Memory - Old Zhou Lao Zhou

    New Year's Eve is getting less and less, and the atmosphere of the New Year's Eve dinner has also changed. I feel that everyone is in a hurry.
    Obviously, there is nothing to do, but they just leave the table and play with their mobile phones after eating in a hurry.
    Maybe I'm getting old, and I feel more and more strongly about these things

    9th floor reply

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