"It never rains but it pours"

Auth: Big Grey Date:2021/04/27       Cat: Grey mood        Word: 772 words in total

"There's really nothing to write about". If you can't sleep, just talk about the day before yesterday 🥚 Things

I got up early the morning before yesterday. Because there was always a traffic jam on the way to work, I thought there might be less cars on the way to work early, but I didn't think the road was in a mess.

There have been various traffic accidents on the road in front of the company recently. Some people are lucky and uninjured, but others are unlucky. Everyone said that this road was evil. I remember that this road was always quiet in the morning last year. 2021 is really going to be the unlucky road.

Last time I was tailgating someone, this time I was tailgating someone

Accident overview: I drove normally in the morning. Since it was a three lane road, there was a big truck on the left side in front of me. I didn't want to follow the big truck, so I went to the middle lane to merge. The right side was a bus lane (not dedicated). I went to the middle lane, but because the car in front was waiting for the traffic light, the car in front gave me a sudden brake. Because the car in front might be a little close, I had to brake quickly, and the car behind could not dodge to rear me.

Accident identification: The other party is fully responsible, and there is no objection to this. Now, almost all of them take insurance, not major accidents, and seldom call the police!

Episode: When we got off the bus, we asked that we were the same company, and the Dragon King Temple was flooded I remember that after the collision, I directly neutralized the handbrake, opened the double flash and got off the car. The other person got off the bus directly and didn't open the tripod. I was convinced. I reminded him that he woke up from his dream It seems that the loss of loss assessment is a little big. The trunk and rear bumper are all bent for me

After dealing with the rear end collision, send a text message saying I violated the rules? It was a day of waves. Two days ago, my daughter-in-law and I went on a trip. It began to rain on the way. She said it was cold and covered it with a small blanket. It was just taken. I looked at the picture and it seemed that I could not see her seat belt 😂, I am the daughter-in-law who came down from the expressway and always wears a seat belt. Who would make fun of her life. Only try to appeal. Be careful when driving on the road!!! Grey memory from WordPress for Android

This article was first published on: "A day of double disasters" - Grey Chang's memory

The number of messages in "A day of double evils": 49

  1.  Grey memory pxsky pxsky

    I haven't visited you for a long time. I remember last time I stayed at the meeting where you just bought a new car. Now the baby is full moon, and time passes quickly. You are also very careless when you get married. But where is the road you are talking about? I also need to pay attention to the rear. Look at the width of the road and the big cars in front. It should be outside the Third Ring Road, Fengdong New Area?
    Seen from the video, it has something to do with too fast and too close to the car. Maybe I'm worried about going to work in the morning. Driving should be stable. It's better to keep an effective distance. You must have a good driving attitude.

    21st Floor reply
    1.  Grey Memory - Big Grey Big grey Author

      I have to say that your eyes are really "poisonous". Do you often go this way? I can see accidents every day on the road I walk... I just saw another one on the way here... I was really in a hurry in the morning. There are too many cars on the road, which inevitably affects my mood.

      1.  Grey memory pxsky pxsky

        I can't work there. It's a wild guess. I take the subway to work, so I can step on it. The car is too crowded, I'm worried about it, and the parking fee is expensive.

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