Flowers Have Bloomed

Auth: Big Grey Date:2024/06/8       Cat: Grey mood        Word: 364 words in total

Time flies. It's almost half past June 2024. I didn't feel that spring was coming into summer. I really want to take my wife and Niubao out to play. The plan can't keep up with the changes, but I don't have any time

So far in March, I only had two days off. I worked hard to work overtime to make a living. Niubao was sick, his wife was also sick, and his parents were also hospitalized... I was in a mess, and my class was not in the mood. After all, everyone was sick 😷 Yes, I still have to take a vacation, otherwise it will be useless to make more money.

Now, except for my father, who is still a little unwell and needs to be hospitalized, everything else is very good. I just hope to get better soon. Health is the most important thing! (2024.5.1~5.18)

This time my father was hospitalized for a long time. It has been eighteen days since May Day. This is really a long process, in which few people know the joys and sorrows. They say that more exercise and less hospital admission. In fact, it is not necessary to go to the hospital after exercising

In recent years, the Buddhism system has been updated, and the codeword time has been seriously delayed, and some things are simply too late to record. There are too many helplessness, it's better to follow your heart. In such an impetuous society, we can only be independent

This article was first published on: The flowers are all in blossom. - Grey Chang remembers

The Flowers Are Blooming Well Number of messages: 28

  1.  Grey memory Bosir Bosir

    I was so upset by the relationship between my mother-in-law and daughter-in-law that I didn't want to go home every day. I still didn't live with my parents. It may be more difficult to live together.

    14th floor reply

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