
Auth: Big Grey Date:2022/11/1       Cat: Grey mood        Word: 359 words in total

It has not been updated for a long time. Today, I went through the links of the Friends Chain again and again, and found that many of them could not be opened. I don't know whether the domain name has been changed or not. I will clean it up when I have time.

The epidemic started in the capital before the National Day, and I was glad that it didn't affect me. Who knew that after the National Day epidemic, we came to our side, and there were all kinds of road closures, nucleic acids, and big purchases... Once we arrived at the epidemic, we were really bored. It has been said that the epidemic has been going on for several years, and it is almost endless!

Niubao was just one year old in October, and the epidemic was making people close their doors everywhere. Anyway, she bought a cake for the baby 🎂, After the birthday. The old people here like to celebrate the lunar birthday. In fact, the baby's lunar birthday has already passed. The lunar birthday is spent with her grandmother. It's a coincidence that the same day happened.

It is said that many host websites that can be opened in the past have been disconnected intermittently. It is really helpless. The host needs to be grayed out for renewal? CloudFlare is also on and off now. It's really hard

The desire that has not been recorded in the last one or two months is very difficult? Updates are getting sloppy. A few days ago, a new advanced anti DDoS CDN was added to the website, and the access speed was not slow, so it was used first.

This article was first published on: Weeding removal - grey memory

Messages on Weeding: 49

  1.  Grey memory - quange quange

    Filing is really troublesome. I use Tencent Cloud's Hong Kong lightweight cloud to do intranet penetration, and the website can be migrated locally at an acceptable speed.

    19th floor reply

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