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[Life Sentiment] Where is the way out for FPGA? [Copy Link]

At the age of 30, I think more about how to live in a state after 30 than before.
Many people say that technicians (engineers) should correctly turn to leadership (technical leadership) or entrepreneurship after 30, rather than continue to do technology. Because in terms of energy, we can't compare with the newly graduated students, nor can we compare with them in terms of time. Faced with the rapid technology update (especially FPGA), do we still have enough energy to keep up with the times? Although we have experience, the experience two years ago has little effect (this is my personal feeling).
I work in FPGA. I have done drawing board, system design, coding, synthesis, par and debugging before. In recent two years, I have done FPGA verification in an IC company. Recently, I feel that the road will become narrower and narrower. For example, although I am already familiar with the existing FPGA, I know how to implement a better design in FPGA, how to achieve better integration and timing, and also familiar with the peripheral circuit of FPGA. In a word, I know exactly what FPGA is. However, there is a lack of expertise in some areas, such as video processing, digital signal processing, embedded systems, etc. Therefore, it is impossible to do better in some areas.
I once thought about doing FPGA FAE, but in a city, Xilinx or altera are just one. It's too difficult to get in.
Very confused, I don't know how to open up a new road in the future. If we continue to do the current verification work, it may be the same in our lifetime.
I think many xd of my age have similar puzzles, right?
Thank you for your reflection on this issue after seeing so many posts.
I just stepped into the threshold of FPGA with one foot.
Everyone will have different energy, different goals, especially different work and learning environments. Therefore, they will also go out on different FPGA roads.
In the field of FPGA, I am just a child. I hope my confusion will not affect your enthusiasm for FPGA learning and research.
Supplement 1: I hope that those who have read my previous views, especially some students, should not belittle themselves. In fact, the field of FPGA is very broad. But I feel like I only know FPGA, and I only know some professional knowledge about it, but I am not proficient in it. But we have to admit that people's energy is limited, and we cannot become all rounders. It is hard for us to be skillful in the field of FPGA. Xilinx many foreign application engineers are not only very old, but also have been working as engineers.
In China, we seldom have advanced technology, so in many companies, most of the work is not in-depth, so an exercise without practical work experience can be started after a period of time. Therefore, in the electronic field and among engineers, there is also the so-called "physical intensive" phenomenon. Old engineers can't compete with young ones.
To do FPGA verification, we can say that we are all rounders. We should understand hardware, understand FPGA, be able to write code, understand software, be able to operate instruments, be familiar with simulation, be proficient in using EDA tools, and be familiar with SPEC and reference manual involved in current technology. Therefore, a good verification engineer is not easy to achieve.
An excellent FPGA verification engineer can play a role not only in the IC design field, but also in the engineering application field.
Therefore, mastering professional skills, not ignoring details, and expanding your vision and ideas will have a good prospect. This is also my direction.
0425 Dinner!
The words of friends at tingwhere are worth thinking about, so we join here:
Let me say a few words. In fact, we have discussed so much about the transformation of technology and the deepening of existing positions
Now I want to talk about this matter beyond the frame set by the landlord
The building owner said that the path of FPGA transformation is based on the premise that anyone can do anything
In fact, this is a wrong direction
If a good technician is really not suitable for sales, because the two extremes of human character are always the same, it is impossible for a person who wants to be a salesperson when doing technology. Shallow technicians are as unpopular as those who just enter the market
But when you have really grown into a technical expert, the so-called personality and thinking have been set, and then let you start again, in fact, it is impossible. Can you bow your head and bow your head to others? Can you eat and drink in business regardless of your aging body? Can you make you used to being expressionless and keeping a professional smile against the face of datasheet?
Dealing with people and machines is originally suitable for different people
Then, back to the way out of FPGA, I don't understand what you mean by the way out. If you consider the economy simply, the means of making money is related to the economic mind. A good investment direction, for example, a good section of the facade, a risky futures transaction, will be enough to make up for the gap between your salary and the commission of those skilled salesmen within a year. As the saying goes, Horses grow fat all night long. If people take money as their goal and work hard, money is really easy to earn
OK, Let's return to FPGA. If you like to study FPGA, please continue this hobby and don't think too much about it. If you have already hated it, you might as well leave this circle and do what you want to do. Remember Carnegie said that 99% of the worries in the world would never happen. If you are always worried about what will happen in the future, You are not in good health and mood. Please act accordingly when disaster comes
I have said a lot. Ha ha, it's also my own consideration. Let's continue our discussion
Supplement 2: tingwhere, thank you for your comment. I mostly agree with you.
First of all, you said that the topic of discussion was "transformation in technology and deepening in existing positions". I agree.
Second: I consider my future path in combination with my career. Because in my own career planning, I hope I can become a relatively senior engineer. I know I am not suitable for such jobs as marketing and sales. However, at present, there is confusion in career development, which is the purpose of writing this article. The puzzle is: I feel that I am slow to improve in studying FPGA technology, and the space is limited. I found myself gradually getting into the state of knowing everything and not being good at anything. However, combined with the job demand of some companies, this talent market value is not high. The "way out" I said is how to get out of this state, become a person with strong ability in a certain field, or consider transformation (there are many articles on this topic). Instead of just doing peripheral circuits of FPGA, I can run EDA tools and download bit files.
Thirdly, perhaps many people at my age (30) began to consider taking the technical management, FAE, sales, etc., rather than being an engineer. I think it is also suitable for people. I don't mean to say, "Anyone can do anything.". In my previous supplementary part, I also said that a person's energy is limited, and it is impossible to be good at everything.
I like FPGA very much. From the realization of many functions and applications with FPGA, you will feel a sense of satisfaction; The skillful handling of EDA tools also gives you a relaxed and comfortable feeling; Studying a specific technology in FPGA and inquiring about the technical details behind the parameters/settings of EDA tools will make me feel happy after insight. Therefore, I will continue my FPGA journey.
Sometimes I hate my current job. Lab, datasheet, signal, pin... These are really annoying sometimes. I can't enjoy life as easily as many non engineers. "Do what you want to do", I think this is a realm everyone hopes to reach. However, how many people in the world can reach?
I am just 30 years old, and my experience, experience and background are limited. I believe that what I said must be wrong. If I pointed out the wrong direction for others, it would be unforgivable. Therefore, what I said is only for reference, and it can also serve as a reference for everyone to consider their future career planning in advance.


I have been very busy recently. There are a lot of things about the company and myself. Almost every day I go to bed in the early morning and go to work on time in the morning.
I haven't come to the forum for a while. Fortunately, the boss didn't remove my identity as the moderator. Thank you, boss!
I'm glad that many friends can see this post and reply to it, and I'm sorry that many people who see it feel confused after reading it. This is what I don't want, and it's really not my original intention.
In addition to being busy with the company recently, I have been thinking about how to go in the future? In a few days, I will be 30 years old, and now I have just been married for a year. It can be said that at this time, my life is basically more than half, because I have done several important things (house, car, wife, no children at present. Please don't laugh at my definition of several important things in life).
Now my initial idea is: it's never too old to learn. Because I'm just an ordinary engineer, I love this position, I like technology, and I hope electronic design. The promotion of position and the increase of salary have no great significance for me. To promote my position, the work I face every day will not change qualitatively; The increase in salary will not fundamentally change my quality of life.
During this period, I have more contact with a former colleague of mine, who is also the kind of person who pursues technology very much. He used to make him a manager, but he didn't. He said that he would rather be an engineer than abandon technology. He has deep research in wireless communication, especially in short wave, infrared camera, visible camera, power supply design, etc. His ability in analog circuit is no less than that of an old engineer who has worked for decades, not to mention digital circuit. (Praise him a bit more). He now has a project on hand, I work with him, and the design part is basically completed by him. He said that he wanted to set up a private research institute to study some high-end technologies. At the same time, several products can be sold to maintain daily expenses and family life.
I said that the purpose of this matter is how to define the way out and how to plan. My colleague is not an all rounder, at least he doesn't know much about IC design, software, embedded systems, etc.
If you really love the industry of engineers, and if you really like technology, give yourself a little time every day to learn something that interests you, and you will certainly gain something over time.
It should be more realistic for us, who have no social background (not a high caliber, boss child) and can only work on our own, to go on step by step.
This post is from FPGA/CPLD Forum

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When I got dizzy on XUPV2P, I saw the senior's feelings details reply Published on 2010-1-27 02:04
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If you want to do FPGA FAE, come to me

I'm looking for FPGA FAE now. If you are interested in doing it, please send me your resume,
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Why is no one interested in doing FAE?
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When I got dizzy on XUPV2P, I saw the senior's feelings
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