As a company that has been deeply engaged in the industrial field for a long time, ADI has accumulated rich technical experience in the application fields of automated testing equipment, scientific and environmental detection, power quality analysis and smoke detection, industrial sensors and IoT security encryption, industrial power supply, industrial communication, motion control and process control.
“ADI Shijian Industrial Carnival Series "is an industrial theme activity jointly held by Shijian Company and EEWorld, a technically authorized agent that has worked closely with ADI for more than 30 years. The fourth issue - Shijian · ADI award-winning live broadcast, this live broadcast will bring you the innovative technology of ADI in industrial DCS and PLC applications, help the industry revolution, and achieve Industry 4.0. Sign up for live broadcast now. Don't miss it!
Award winning live broadcast: ADI empowering industry 4.0 - helping PLC/DCS technology innovation

Introduction to live broadcast

Live time: 10:00-11:30 am, December 28, 2023

Live broadcast theme: ADI Energized Industry 4.0 - Helping PLC/DCS Technology Innovation

Live broadcast introduction:

The industrial control system is a business process management and control system that is composed of various automatic control components and process control components that collect and monitor real-time data to ensure the automatic operation, process control and monitoring of industrial infrastructure. Its core components include data acquisition and monitoring system (SCADA), distributed control system (DCS), programmable logic controller (PLC), remote terminal unit (RTU), human-machine interface equipment (HMI), and interface technology to ensure communication between components. DCS and PLC play the core functions of data processing and execution in the system. ADI has always been pursuing continuous innovation to empower various industries. This speech will bring you ADI's innovative technology in industrial DCS and PLC applications, help the industry revolution and realize Industry 4.0.

About Instructor

Zhu Zhen

ADI Asia Pacific Industrial Automation Industry Manager

He graduated from the Automation Department of Southeast University with a bachelor's degree in 2004. Since joining ADI in 2011, he has worked in the market application department.

Event prizes
About ADI

Analog Devices (Nasdaq: ADI) is a world leading high-performance simulation technology company, committed to solving the most difficult engineering design challenges. With outstanding detection, measurement, power supply, connection and interpretation technologies, it builds an intelligent bridge connecting the real world and the digital world, so as to help customers re understand the world around them. For details, please visit the official website of ADI

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About Shijian

Excelpoint Shijian is a leading distributor of electronic components in Asia Pacific. It has been listed in the list of world's leading distributors by authoritative magazines and industry organizations for many times. Shijian has been working closely with the original factory. The professional R&D team continues to create new solutions. Together with the field application technology team, Shijian helps customers improve cost efficiency and shorten the time to market of products. For details, please visit the official website of World Health:

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