Civil Engineering Online Forum \ electrical engineering \ relay protection \ Problems about synchronizing device in substation

Problems about synchronizing device in substation

Published on: September 28, 2007 23:58:28 come from: electrical engineering / relay protection [Copy and forward]
Since the 110kV line of 220kV substation of our bureau did not consider the installation of synchronizing device in the design, which resulted in complex operation and extended power transmission recovery time during accident handling, we now plan to install synchronizing device. Please recommend which synchronizing device is useful.
It also introduces the configuration of the synchronizing device and how to set the parameters. Thank you!!~~
  •  electricity

    Why does the substation need synchronization? It's not the outgoing line of the power plant

    2023-12-21 11:48:21

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  •  xiech123
    xiech123 Bench
    Our company has used the same period. Last week, I saw my colleague debug it in the office. It was set to 100V synchronization. The rotation indicator was closed at 0 ° WTQ-100
    2012-04-23 09:04:23

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Today, I came across a German offset printing machine made in the 1960s, which could not work normally due to the leakage of electricity. It was checked that it was caused by the leakage of an electromagnetic device in the circuit. The length, width and height of the device were 8cm3cm3cm respectively. One end of the device was a terminal, and the incoming 220V. The neutral point of the outgoing line formed a phase line entered the motor, but when I removed the device and closed it to directly run the motor, the fuse quickly melted, If it is three times, please tell me what it is and what role it plays

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