Civil Engineering Online Forum \ Registration examination \ Registered constructor \ Specialized in port, waterway and coastal engineering

Specialized in port, waterway and coastal engineering

Published on: 2013-03-03 11:11:03 come from: Registration examination / Registered constructor [Copy and forward]
The gospel has come. Although it is an unexpected major, I believe that some people will still be able to use it

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  •  abuhan
    abuhan sofa

    two thousand and twelve First class Constructor, Port Channel and Practice Concentrated Edition

    2024-05-14 14:51:14

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  •  cctvleon
    cctvleon Bench
    Is the port and shipping major really an outlier?
    2013-12-17 18:41:17

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Please take a look and give me some advice

I am an undergraduate majoring in logistics management, and I am in my junior year, but I am determined to engage in construction after graduation. Because there are some people in my family and many relatives who work in this field, I think they are doing well. I want to start with construction first, and learn about cost when I become mature. I want to know whether I can apply for the registered constructor exam, and how can I take the exam? I'm confused

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