Civil Engineering Online Forum \ building structure \ Geotechnical engineering \ Technical Specification for Building Foundation Pit Support JGJ120-2012 (official draft)

Technical Specification for Building Foundation Pit Support JGJ120-2012 (official draft)

Published on: 2013-02-28 10:13:28 come from: building structure / Geotechnical engineering [Copy and forward]
Technical Specification for Building Foundation Pit Support JGJ120-2012 (official draft)

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  •  wsygj0506

    Thank you for sharing, thank you

    2023-12-07 12:37:07

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  •  s023107
    s023107 Bench

    Thank you for your selfless dedication

    2023-03-12 19:26:12

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Geotechnical grouting theory and engineering examples, 2000

At the end of this post, cdblql edited it on February 27, 2013 at 11:38 to briefly explain that the content of this book is divided into two parts: grouting theory and grouting engineering practice. The grouting theory part is divided into nine chapters, which mainly discusses and introduces grouting materials and their characteristics, grouting theoretical basis, seepage grouting theory, main body compaction grouting theory, split grouting theory, fissure rock mass grouting theory, grouting design, grouting construction and effect detection, and high-pressure jet grouting technology. The grouting engineering examples are divided into chapters. The application of the above grouting theories in the national economic construction is mainly confirmed through typical examples of various types of grouting projects. The content of this book strives to combine theory with engineering practice, which can be used as a reference for engineering technicians and construction personnel engaged in soil rolling engineering, railway, transportation, construction, power, water conservancy, coal, metallurgy, urban construction and other departments, as well as teachers and students of relevant majors in scientific research institutes and colleges and universities

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