Civil Engineering Online Forum \ electrical engineering \ relay protection \ [Discussion] How to distribute power for the separate fan of the variable frequency motor
The upper end of the frequency converter is equipped with a contactor for power on and power off of the frequency converter. At the same time, a circuit is led out at the lower end of the contactor to supply power for the motor fan. That is to say, is it feasible for the contactor to control the access point of the frequency converter and the fan operation at the same time? Please teach me!

Answer All (52

  •  electricity

    1. High voltage frequency converter or low voltage frequency converter

    2. It should be low-voltage frequency conversion, which is also acceptable. Generally, closing the contactor means starting.

    3. Independent control is not enough.

    4. This is not a matter of principle,

    2023-12-19 12:02:19 From PC comment report
  •  yxl8905
    2011-11-19 11:41:19 From PC comment report
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