Civil Engineering Online Forum \ electrical engineering \ relay protection \ PT explodes due to resonance. Why does the primary fuse fuse and PT still explode?
The 35KV PT of our station exploded due to resonance, and after the explosion, the primary fuse of PT was also blown. I want to ask why PT will explode next time the fuse is blown??? thank you!!

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  •  electricity

    My first reaction: high current, fuse heating and fusing, and explosion caused by PT's own heating have almost the same time

    2023-12-19 12:28:19 From PC comment report
  •  showin3690
    Zb02373 was published on October 21, 2010 at 21:31, when the device first reported "PT disconnection", the resonance elimination device acted (secondary resonance elimination), it was unclear where the P... PT short line signal was sent if the 35KV PT explosion was caused by resonance? Is there grounding? Is there any additional consumer equipment?
    2015-05-25 18:17:25 From PC comment report
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