Civil Engineering Online Forum \ electrical engineering \ relay protection \ Which domestic microcomputer protection device is better?

Which domestic microcomputer protection device is better?

Published on: 2009-08-07 10:51:07 come from: electrical engineering / relay protection [Copy and forward]
Which domestic microcomputer protection device is better? What are commonly used? What about foreign ones?
  •  Red apple
    Zyz8438 was published on August 10, 2009 at 10:12 am. Now, the domestic protection manufacturers, NARI Jibao, Nanzi, Sifang, Xu Jihe and Shennanrui, have done a good job..
    2013-03-08 13:19:08

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  •  zsphn6666
    zsphn6666 Bench
    Nanrui, Nanzi, Sifang and Xuji.
    2013-03-07 14:06:07

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    agree with one
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