Civil Engineering Online Forum \ electrical engineering \ relay protection \ Insulation protection of small busbar on the top of switch cabinet protection screen

Insulation protection of small busbar on the top of switch cabinet protection screen

Published on: March 16, 2009 14:48:16 come from: electrical engineering / relay protection [Copy and forward]
I would like to ask if there are any regulations and requirements for the insulation of the small busbar on the top of the protective screen of the switch cabinet, and whether to add an insulation sleeve. Look, many small busbar on the top of the protective screen are bare copper bars, without an insulation sleeve and dust cover
  •  electricity

    The small bus is with insulating sheath Φ6 Brass rod

    2023-12-22 12:12:22

    reply report
    agree with one
  •  sunday3202
    : handshake: thanks~
    2010-11-16 10:17:16

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    agree with zero
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