Civil Engineering Online Forum \ Environmental protection engineering \ water treatment \ The largest hydrogen production per unit in China 3000Nm3/h water electrolysis hydrogen production equipment went offline

The largest hydrogen production per unit in China 3000Nm3/h water electrolysis hydrogen production equipment went offline

Published on: 2024-05-24 09:30:24 come from: Environmental protection engineering / water treatment [Copy and forward]


On May 17, the unit hydrogen production capacity of 3000 standard cubic meters/hour (Nm3/h) was officially launched in Handan, Hebei. This equipment was developed by the China Shipbuilding (Handan) Perui Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the 718th Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Group, and has completely independent intellectual property rights. It is reported that 3000Nm3/h is the largest single hydrogen production capacity of domestic alkaline water electrolysis hydrogen production equipment at present.

On May 17,   The ceremony for the offline of the largest monomer hydrogen production 3000 Nm3/h water electrolysis hydrogen production equipment in China and the "hydrogen dynamic future" hydrogen energy industry development conference were held in the 718 Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Group (abbreviated as 718 Research Institute) in Handan, Hebei Province Hold?

"The hydrogen production equipment put into use this time has broken through a number of cutting-edge scientific problems and core key technologies, Realized the leap of hydrogen production from 2000Nm3/h to 3000Nm3/h It is of great significance for China to accelerate the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system. " Li Junhua, Director of the Institute and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, said.

Li Junhua introduced that this equipment was independently developed by China Shipbuilding (Handan) Perui Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of 718 Research Institute, focusing on the major demand for high-quality development of hydrogen energy in China, It has broken through a number of cutting-edge technologies such as high power, high power density, wide load and low power consumption. The operating current density has been increased by 17%, the tank weight has been reduced by 13%, and the hydrogen production system has a dynamic adjustment capability of 30%~110% The energy consumption reaches the national standard level I energy efficiency standard, which can significantly increase the single machine capacity and reduce production input and operating costs.

chart Source: China Shipbuilding Group 718 Research Institute

Hydrogen energy industry is the key development direction of China's emerging industries and future industries, and also one of the important directions for developing new quality productivity. Using renewable energy to generate electricity and then producing hydrogen from electrolytic water has the characteristics of environmental protection, zero emission and flexible transformation, which provides new impetus for low-carbon transformation of China's power, transportation, metallurgy, construction and other industries.

Li Junhua said that under the guidance of the national strategy of accelerating the construction of a new energy system, 718 Research Institute has strengthened hydrogen energy technology innovation and led the development of the hydrogen energy industry, relying on more than 50 years of profound accumulation in the field of hydrogen production technology research and development and equipment manufacturing. Many technologies are at the international leading level.

Perui Hydrogen Energy, a subsidiary of the Institute, is a leading enterprise in the water electrolysis hydrogen production industry in China. It has the largest research and production base for water electrolysis hydrogen production equipment in China. Focusing on the whole industrial chain of hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation and use, it has built a technical product system with hydrogen production as the core and hydrogenation and hydrogen supply as the two wings. It has an annual production capacity of 700 sets of alkaline hydrogen production equipment The production capacity of pure water hydrogen production equipment is 240 sets/set, and the hydrogen energy equipment industrial park with an annual output of 1000 sets/set is under construction.

Xie Chungan, executive vice president of China Industrial Gas Industry Association, said: "The successful development of this equipment has provided innovative solutions for large-scale green hydrogen production, which is of great significance for promoting the development of the national green hydrogen industry."

After the ceremony, Lv Dongfang presided over the "Hydrogen Power Future" hydrogen energy industry development conference. The conference invited industry experts from China Shipbuilding Industry Association, International Organization for Standardization Ship and Marine Technology Committee, China Industrial Gas Industry Association, National Energy Group Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Hydrogen Energy Research Institute, etc. to focus on "green transformation of shipping and ship energy power transformation" and "green hydrogen development is a specific practice of new quality productivity" The theme of "inspection and evaluation of key hydrogen energy equipment and construction of standard system" and "development status and prospect of green hydrogen equipment industry" was delivered to deeply discuss the future development direction of the hydrogen energy industry, share the cutting-edge achievements and applications of hydrogen energy technology, and jointly plan for the healthy, orderly and sustainable development of the hydrogen energy industry.

Fan Chenghua, Mayor of Handan City, Gao Heping and Zhao Hongshan, leaders of Handan City, Zhang Jingchao, Deputy Director of Handan Economic and Technological Development Zone, Deng Chungan, Vice Chairman of China Industrial Gas Industry Association, Li Junhua, Director and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the July 18th Institute, Lv Dongfang, Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Committee of the July 18th Institute, and others attended the equipment offline ceremony. More than 100 domestic and foreign representatives, including leaders of relevant departments of China Shipbuilding Corporation, advantageous enterprises and partners in relevant industries, upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, were invited to attend the hydrogen energy industry development conference.
(Source: Sinochem Xinnet Hunan Daily

  •  Yj Blue sky

    Hydrogen is a clean energy. The progress of hydrogen production technology and equipment by electrolysis is good. Thank you for sharing

    2024-05-25 06:09:25

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    agree with zero

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