Civil Engineering Online Forum \ Architectural design \ History of Chinese Architecture \ The earliest architect in China

The earliest architect in China

Published on: 2024-05-20 00:10:20 come from: Architectural design / History of Chinese Architecture [Copy and forward]

Chinese architecture has a long historical tradition and brilliant achievements. Behind these ancient and magnificent buildings are the crystallization of the wisdom of great designers and architects, their inheritance and innovation from generation to generation, and ultimately the unique architectural style and demeanor of the Chinese nation. The people of Si have gone, and their contributions cover the past and present.

The earliest architect in China was Youchao, Youchao is a hero who invented the nest in ancient Chinese mythology. Also called "Dachao". Youchao lived in the late Neolithic Age about 5500~5300 years ago. He is another tribal leader of ancient times after the Haoying family. He lives in the lower reaches of the ancient Yellow River. It is said that in the ancient times of Haoying, there were fewer people and more animals. In order to defend against wild animals, Youchao taught people to build trees as nests, pick chestnuts in the daytime, and shelter in trees at night where people lived in caves and were attacked by wild animals. Youchao taught people to build trees as nests to avoid wild animals, Since then, people have moved from cave dwelling to nest dwelling.

The earliest nesting is also called "Living in a tree" As the name suggests, it was built on a tree and later extended to the flat ground. Youchao's merits and virtues reflect the civilization process from cave dwelling to nest dwelling in primitive China.

Youchao actually represents a stage of human development at that time. The development from the primitive cave dwelling to the building stage is a sign of progress.


History of Chinese Architecture

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