Civil Engineering Online Forum \ HVAC \ central air-conditioning \ What are the reasons for the low oil pressure during the operation of the central air conditioning unit?

What are the reasons for the low oil pressure during the operation of the central air conditioning unit?

Published on: 2024-05-16 15:39:16 come from: HVAC / central air-conditioning [Copy and forward]

During the operation of the central air conditioning unit, oil pressure is a key parameter, which directly affects the normal operation and life of the unit. Low oil pressure is a common problem in unit operation, which may lead to serious consequences if not handled properly. Yuxin Air Conditioner will deeply discuss the causes of low oil pressure in the operation of central air conditioning units, with a view to providing useful reference for relevant maintenance personnel.

1、 Oil pump failure

The oil pump is an important part of the central air conditioning unit, which is responsible for providing the pressure of lubricating oil to ensure the normal operation of all components of the unit. If the oil pump fails, such as pump casing wear, seal aging, blade wear or falling off, the oil pressure will drop.

2、 Oil filter blocked

During the long-term use of the oil filter of the central air conditioning unit, impurities and dirt will gradually accumulate, which will block the filter and affect the normal flow of oil. When the filter is seriously blocked, the oil pressure will drop, which will affect the normal operation of the unit.

3、 Poor quality of lubricating oil

The central air conditioning unit needs to use high-quality lubricating oil to ensure the normal operation of the unit. If poor quality lubricating oil is used, impurities and moisture in the oil will accelerate the deterioration and oxidation of the oil, resulting in a drop in oil pressure. In addition, insufficient viscosity of lubricating oil will also affect the oil pressure.

4、 Internal leakage of unit

During the long-term operation of the central air conditioning unit, various components may be aged or worn, resulting in internal leakage of the unit. In case of internal leakage, some lubricating oil will flow directly into the system, which will reduce the oil level in the oil tank, thus affecting the oil pressure.

5、 Abnormal temperature control system

The temperature control system of the central air conditioning unit is very important to maintain the normal operation of the unit. If the temperature control system is abnormal, such as sensor failure or control logic error, it may lead to long-term inefficient or overload operation of the machine. In this case, the oil temperature of the unit may increase or decrease, thus affecting the stability of oil pressure.

6、 Abnormal cooling water system

The cooling water system of the central air conditioning unit is responsible for taking away the heat generated during unit operation. If the cooling water system is abnormal, such as the cooling water flow is insufficient or the temperature is too high, the heat inside the unit cannot be dissipated in time, thus increasing the oil temperature. The viscosity of lubricating oil will decrease at high temperature, which will affect the oil pressure.

To sum up, there are many possible reasons for the low oil pressure during the operation of the central air conditioning unit. In order to ensure the normal operation of the unit and extend the service life of the equipment, maintenance personnel need to regularly check and maintain the unit, and deal with faults and problems in a timely manner. At the same time, users should also pay attention to the rational use of air conditioning equipment to avoid long-term inefficient work or overload operation. In case of low oil pressure, stop the machine immediately for inspection and take corresponding measures to solve the problem, so as to avoid greater loss and impact.

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