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Conflict, Evolution and Continuity: Spatial System and Construction Wisdom of Urban Human Settlement Defense Environment in Southern Song Dynasty

Published on: 2024-05-11 09:29:11 come from: Architectural design / History of Chinese Architecture [Copy and forward]

The development of urban defense theory and technology in the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty reached its peak. The defense space and construction wisdom of the human settlements in the Southern Song Dynasty were mainly reflected in three aspects: historical figures, urban defense books, and construction practice. The construction of the human settlements defense environment was formed by the mutual game of various people of insight. The urban construction thought created a pattern of mainly defending in the conflict and blend, which led to the prevalence of scholars' discussion of military, It promoted the evolution and development of the book of defense of the city, and guided the planning and design of urban residential defense space in the Southern Song Dynasty.  

On November 10, 2021, the Guidelines for Military Urban Defense Heritage drafted by ICOMOS Military Urban Defense Heritage Scientific Committee pointed out that the current understanding of military urban defense heritage and functional elements is insufficient, and it is necessary to systematically study and record such heritage through relevant technologies and professionals. The wisdom of military city defense construction in ancient China is recorded in various military books, city maps, historical books and poetry collections. Therefore, this paper discusses the Southern Song Dynasty from the perspective of human settlement environment security defense The thoughts and appeals of historical figures, the norms and strategies of city defense books, and the wisdom and experience of construction practice The connection between the three (Figure 1) reproduces the overall construction wisdom of military urban defense heritage that integrates landscape, culture and defense, which is of great significance for understanding and protecting military urban defense heritage and promoting the creation and development of human settlements in historic and cultural cities.  

    Figure 1| The defensive space system of human settlements in the Song Dynasty


Conflict and Blending: Historical Figures' Ideas and Demands of Habitat Environment Defense

By the time of the Song Dynasty, there were four wars, internal and external troubles, and national crises, The rulers of the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, by issuing laws and reforming the political system, wanted to turn the tide of the storm into a fall; The garrison generals, combined with practical experience, actively thought about the city defense strategy and design scheme to help the generals of the building; Scholars and scholars made suggestions and suggestions for the border defense strategy at that time by writing military strategies, and expressed their ideal demands for a safe and stable living environment  

1.1 The defense policy and attitude of the Song emperors

During the reign of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty, in order to prevent the military equipment from being lax, the general "learned from the ancient and modern times", and did not know how to attack and defend the ancient and modern cities, so he ordered the compilation of the "General Principles of Martial Arts". Emperor Xiaozong of the Song Dynasty regarded the Secret of Guarding the City as the official standard for building a city for the study of border generals, but it still did not change the decline of the Southern Song Dynasty. At that time, the rulers of the Song Dynasty mainly carried out passive defense. Except Shenzong Kaibian, Zhezong Shao Shengyuan Futuobian and other minority periods when they were in attack, most of them adopted   "Avoid war and seek peace"   As a result, the strategy of guarding the city is more negative than that of the previous generation, forming a social situation of poverty and weakness (Figure 2).

  Figure 2| The policy and attitude of the emperors of the Song Dynasty towards the construction of cities

1.2 Defense strategy and design of frontier generals

At the beginning of the Song Dynasty, there appeared Confucian generals with both Confucian temperament and military wisdom, including Liu Qi, Xin Qiji and Yu Jie. Liu Qi, with the help of Chen Gui   Shunchang built a sheep and horse wall with archery holes, dug trenches and built high walls in the city, changing the front-line defense pattern relying solely on the city wall   In Ten Comments on American Celery, Xin Qiji advocated to concentrate his forces, opposed to setting up defenses everywhere, and believed that active defense should be taken to take offense as defense. Yu Jie tried her best to defend Shu, build a mountain city, restrict cavalry and defend the country.  

1.3 The defense thoughts and demands of literati and doctors

In the Southern Song Dynasty, due to the national policy of "advocating literature and suppressing military force", the serious border crisis, and the Song court's advocacy of military research, the literati and officials participated in, intervened in, and even led military affairs, focusing on the basic issues of peace, war, offensive and defensive. The participation of literati has greatly improved the separation and obscurity of the traditional military script, enhanced its readability, and created the military script for city defense For example, the defense system of Shanshui Citadel in each defense area in the late Southern Song Dynasty was also formed by some officials' in-depth thinking and active advice on the Jin Mongol War.


Evolution and Development: Norms and Strategies of Habitat Environment Defense in the Military Manual of City Guarding

In the Song Dynasty, wars occurred frequently, from the emperor up to the cloth clothes down, or studying the art of war, or writing books, or actively participating in various military activities, all did their best to save the country in distress. All kinds of phenomena have promoted the prosperity of military literature,   Among them, the theories of the construction of trenches, gates and shooting defense facilities recorded in the General Military Manual and the Secret of the City Guarding, which were issued by the imperial court and had the nature of "national city building norms", directly guided the construction of the human settlements and defense environment in the cities of the Song Dynasty    

2.1 The specifications and contents of the "General Principles of the Martial Arts Classics"

(1) Wall and trench facilities.  
It is recorded in Guarding the City in Volume 12 of the General Essentials of the Martial Arts Classic“   The right flat land is used to build a city, which is twice as wide and twice as high   ”At the same time, "the height of the Yangma City can be less than ten feet, and more than eight feet, it also deviates from the gate of the urn city", Volume VI "Digging the Trench Camp": "The bottom of the trench is ten feet two feet wide, one foot deep, and one foot five feet wide" records the size details of Yangma City and the trench. Among them, the "City Building Camp Law" states that "digging a horse pit outside the mouth of the trench is a heavy one, twenty-five steps wide, and laying a thorn city near the trench is a heavy one, twenty-five steps wide." It extends the depth of defense outside the city by arranging thorn cities, horse pits, etc. outside the city (Figure 3, Figure 4).  
    Figure 3 The Defense Space of the City in the General Essentials of the Martial Arts Classic
Source: General Principles of Martial Arts  

  Figure 4 "General Introduction to the Martial Arts Classic" City defense space plane

(2) Gate facilities.  

The basic rules of building a city in the Northern Song Dynasty are recorded in the Guarding the City, Volume 12 of the General Assembly of the Martial Arts Scriptures. "Build a barbican outside the city, dig a trench outside the city, take about 30 steps to the big city, and put a fishing bridge on it. Build a sheep and horse city on the bank inside the trench, and take about 10 steps to the big city.  

(3) Shooting facilities.  
The enemy towers were built "seven feet high in the front, five feet high in the back, one step wide in each room, and one zhang deep." The crossbow turret specially used for deploying bed crossbows was also created. It can support each other with the city wall and adjacent platforms, control the peripheral areas of the city wall, and increase the difficulty for the enemy to destroy the outer trenches or approach the city wall. At the same time, "every city has a women's wall, and every ten steps and horse faces are equipped with enemy tents, enemy regiments, and enemy towers", so as to protect the security of defenders (Figure 5, Figure 6).  

  Figure 5 | The city defense space profile in the General Introduction to the Martial Arts Classic

    Figure 6 | The Restoration Model of the City Defense Space in the General Essentials of the Martial Arts Classic

2.2 The city defense space and design of the Secret of the City Defense

(1) Wall and trench facilities.  
The height of the city wall can be built into three zhang, or three zhang five chi. The corner of the city was changed from square to round, and the original enemy towers and war tents above the corner were abolished (Figure 7, Figure 8). On the inner edge of the outer city trench, about 6m away from the big city (outer wall), build a sheep and horse wall around the big city wall, "as high as 1 zhang (more than 3 m) thick and six feet (about 1.9 m)". Another inner city trench will be built in the big city. Even if the outer city is breached, the inner city wall and trench will be insurmountable. By rebuilding the old sheep and horse wall, a gate guard wall was built outside the city, and an internal wall with a length of 50 or 60 steps was built inside the city to block the enemy's line of sight (Figure 9).  
    Figure 7 | Secret of Guarding the City The defensive space of the city
    Figure 8 | Secret of the City Defense Space Plane of the City
    Figure 9 | Secrets of City Guarding The section of the city with two trenches and five walls
(2) Gate facilities.  

According to the old rules, the main city gate is the weak point of defense, but the construction of the urn is costly and ineffective, so it is recommended to dismantle it, and "stop at the front of the city gate five zhang away from the city, build a protective wall across the gate, so that you can't see the gate open or close outside, and dare not despise it", which can really play the role of blocking the city gate. There were many fishing bridges on the moats outside the old city gate, but the disadvantage was that they prevented the troops from sending out in the city. Therefore, the old rules advocated that the fishing bridge should be abolished and replaced by a real bridge. More hidden doors and protruding doors should be set up to facilitate the sudden attack and attack the enemy unexpectedly.  

(3) Shooting facilities.  
Both the big wall and the sheep and horse wall are equipped with "pin" shaped perforations to make the big wall and the sheep and horse walls on both sides resist the enemy on three sides. Taking into account the disadvantages of the traditional old system, the stereotype put forward the idea of a flat headed women's wall, that is, "the magpie platform must be built first in the city, two feet high and five feet wide. The wall on the magpie platform is six feet high and two feet thick. From the magpie platform upward, one foot five inches, one square eye, one foot wide eye, eight inches high, and shaped like a pin character.". At the same time, in combination with "the square eye is downward, and there is a female head wall, which is usually hung with a fence board", it can not only cover the "pin" shaped hole when the bow and arrow shoot outside the city, but also shoot the enemy through the hole (Figure 10).
    Figure 10 | The Restoration Model of the City Defense Space in The Secret of Defending the City


Inheritance and renewal: wisdom and experience of human settlement environment defense in construction practice

The construction of the residential defense environment in the Southern Song Dynasty was updated and developed on the basis of inheriting the Northern Song Dynasty, and its practical construction wisdom was mainly reflected in the location and layout of border cities, joint defense mechanism and defense space    

3.1 Site selection layout

3.1.1 Protect with water and control choke  

Under the passive defense strategy of the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty,   In the Southern Song Dynasty, taking the city as the point and the water as the line, a defense system combining points and lines was built, that is, berthing according to the city, controlling the flow with the help of water boats, and viewing the passes with the tiger   Li Gang also pointed out that "since invading the southeast, there has been no one who is not from the upper class", so the upper class must be heavily garrisoned. Among them, the idea of "controlling and choking the upper class" has always been the key point of river defense.  

3.1.2 City based defense, point line combination  

In the early Southern Song Dynasty, the Song court took advantage of the risks of the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River, relying on the important counties along the Yangtze River, and organized a zonal defense system to prevent Jin soldiers; Later, in order to prevent Mongolia from sending troops to Sichuan, Yu Jie carried out large-scale urban defense construction after taking office, and formed a mountain city defense system of "defending points without defending lines, connecting points to form a line" by means of stationing troops, accumulating grain, protecting people, and fighting and defending (Figure 11).  
    Figure 11     Sichuan Shaanxi Anti Mongolian Mountain City Defense System presided over by Yu Jie of the Southern Song Dynasty
Source: It was adapted from the illustration of History of War in Song and Yuan Dynasties (1243-1251), "Schematic Diagram of Yu Jie's Deployment of Mountain City in Sichuan".

3.2 Joint defense mechanism

3.2.1 Ride by steps and set up defense by zones  

In the face of the southern invasion of Jin and Meng, the Southern Song Dynasty built five defense areas in the Yangtze River, the Huaihe River and the coastal areas, namely, Sichuan Shaanxi, Jingxiang, the Huaihe River, Guangxi and Beijing, Relying on the dangerous mountains and rivers facing the boundary, we have implemented the defensive strategy of "riding by foot", which is "riding by ten thousand lines on the south bank, and hundreds of warships refuse to go up" When defending against foreign invasion, the major defense areas cooperate with each other to contain and divide the invasion forces and implement the flexible defense strategy.  

3.2.2 National defense and combination of farming and fighting  

In the long-term border defense practice, the border guards in the Northern Song Dynasty created the border defense thought of "national defense". For example, Fan Zhongyan advocated that soldiers from all over the country should defend on the spot, jointly resist the enemy's aggression, ensure military supplies and consolidate border defense. Yu Jie built a defense model in the Sichuan war zone, in which the army and the people cooperated to guard the city in wartime, plowed in peacetime, students studied in schools in the city, and residents prayed in temples in the city.  

3.3 Defense space

3.3.1 Inside and outside the city wall, the city and trench  

The design of abolishing the barbican city and adding a protective gate wall in front of the gate appears in the "City Map of Jingjiang Mansion", and a sheep and horse wall is built beside the trench, forming a multiple city wall defense pattern of one trench and three walls; In the Map of Pingjiang Mansion, a double city wall is built, which is a big city and a sub city. The city adopts a layout system of parallel rivers and roads, with internal and external double trenches (Figure 12),   The defense idea of blocking war outside the city has emerged, which is also the continuation and inheritance of the stereotypical idea of setting up external defense in the construction of local cities    
  Figure 12 Pingjiang Fuchengguo Defense Space
Source: The Office of Suzhou Local Chronicle Compilation Committee restored and shrunk the "Map of the City of Pingjiang Mansion in Song Dynasty".

3.3.2 The city gate is wrong and the road is not straight  

In the picture of Jingjiang Mansion   The gates of the barbican city and the big city are zigzag, and there are two hidden doors outside the south city gate, which continues the active defense idea of "setting more hidden doors in the big city, and opening more gates in the sheep and horse city" in the Secret of Guarding the City   The West Jiacheng Gate and the South Gate form the city defense space sequence of "Bridge Moon City Bridge Sheep Horse Wall Barbican City/Gate Guard Wall Main City Gate Main City Wall Horse Face Enemy Tower". In Jingjiang Mansion, 4 gates have been built with guard walls. The tiger crouching gate built at the weak point of the east gate is also intended to strengthen the gate defense (Figure 13).
  Figure 13 Jingjiang Fuchengguo Defense Space

Source: In 1983, the office of Guilin Municipal Place Name Committee restored and shrunk the version of "City Map of Jingjiang Mansion in Song Dynasty".



From the perspective of human settlement environment, this paper explores the conflict and integration between the civil servants and military officers in the Southern Song Dynasty, the evolution and development of the military books for city defense to meet the needs of war, the inheritance of the wisdom of border city construction to the Sui and Tang dynasties, and the continuation of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is helpful to further understand the functional elements and construction wisdom of the military urban defense heritage of the Ming and Qing city walls, such as   The Barbican City built on the inner side of the Gate of Treasure Gathering in the southern capital of the Ming Dynasty has a multi-layer structure, and its plane is in the shape of "and", similar to the purpose of the old "Secret of Guarding the City" to increase the guard wall and inner wall, block the enemy's attack route, and combine the Qinhuai River inside and outside the city to form a defensive pattern of heavy cities, heavy trenches, and wrong gates   (Figure 14).  
  Figure 14 Ming and Qing Dynasties Nanjing Ancient City Treasure Gate City Wall Defense Space
Source: adapted from Meng Fan ren's Research on the Capital Structure and Layout from the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty.

Tracing the origin of the urban residential defense environment space system and construction wisdom of the Southern Song Dynasty, and excavating the defense space characteristics of the two Song Dynasty cities, it is helpful to further understand the historical inheritance and continuity of the urban defense environment of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, and provide new historical data and technology for the protection and sorting of the military urban defense heritage of the Ming and Qing Dynasties city walls, Promote the protection and utilization of the Ming and Qing Dynasty city wall and urban defense heritage into modern life, enrich the wisdom of local urban human settlements planning in China, and provide reference for the inheritance of local urban cultural characteristics and human settlements planning.

(This paper won the second prize in the 18th National Youth Urban Planning Thesis Competition.    

Written by: Hu Gengen

History of Chinese Architecture

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