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The world's 10 most anticipated architectural masterpieces in 2024

Published on: 2024-03-22 11:32:22 come from: BIM technology / Construction BIM application [Copy and forward]

2024 Global

Most desirable 10 Construction project

from Kengo Kuma In Herzog and de Mellon, from MVRDV to Francis Carlyle, we have selected 10 most anticipated architectural projects to be completed on the global stage in 2024. These projects will enrich countries and metropolises around the world and bring more pioneering architectural design concepts to everyone in the world.


Athlete Village, Paris, France

Design: Dominique Perrault

Place: Paris, France

The year 2024 will be the year of the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games. The biggest project will be the Olympic Village and the Paralympic Village. The overall plan of the Olympic Village and the Paralympic Village will be conceived by the French architect Dominique Perrault. France will not build new sports facilities for the event, nor will it plan to carry out large-scale projects (usually useless and expensive). The Olympic Village and the Paralympic Village are located in the Seine Saint Denis District of the city, aiming to integrate with the existing urban texture along the river bank. The project combines residence and office with multiple functions, and the whole project area exceeds 119000 square meters.

After the Olympic Games, the village will become a new permanent community in Paris and be transformed into a residence that can accommodate about 6000 people, including a large number of social housing and an office that can accommodate 6000 workers. The goal of housing development projects is to open to new tenants as early as 2025.


 ? Paris 2024


Takayama University, Japan

Architect: Fujimoto Zhuangjie Architecture Firm

The design of the campus is based on the concept of "outward opening", and the center is shaped as a shared open roof to echo the geographical characteristics of the fly. The project is located in rural areas and aims to revitalize the area and support its communities.

As a movie Your Name The place where the story takes place is surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers. This inward gathering urban space also creates the possibility for the exchange and collision of ideas. The design is in turn the origin and the "hill" with open center, which brings people a sense of wrapping, but also shows the implication of opening to the future. The campus hopes to create a space atmosphere suitable for free communication, encourage interaction between teachers and students and the local community, and actively connect with the wider world.


 ? Sou Fujimoto Architects


Paper Island

Design: Cobe Architecture

Area: 45000 square meters

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Christian Holm Island, also known as "paper island", was formerly an industrial area and will be transformed into a new residential area. It was redesigned by Kobe Studio and won international competitions. The project includes accommodation, commercial space and various "informal public functions", such as activity space, gallery and swimming pool, all of which are surrounded by the public corridor around the island.

"Our vision for the future of the island is to create a place that celebrates the urban culture and Copenhagen lifestyle. For us, it is important that Christians-Holm Island can attract both tourists and residents." said Dan Stubbergaard, the island owner and COBE creative director.


? Cobe / Luxigon


Zurich Children's Hospital

Architect: Herzog and de Mellon

Location: Zurich, Switzerland

Children's Hospital has been operated by Eleonoren Foundation since 1874. An international competition was launched in 2011 to combine new facilities with groundbreaking hospital buildings. The request for proposal clearly stated the client's requirements as follows: "We hope to create an atmosphere in which children of all ages and their parents can feel as sheltered and comfortable as possible regardless of their personal circumstances, and the facilities designed in architecture and function optimize the treatment procedures and the work of the staff." Herzog&de Meuron won the championship of the two stage competition in 2012.

Children's Hospital is located in the medical institution cluster in Zurich, including two completely different complementary buildings: the pediatric hospital on the south plot and the laboratory building on the north plot. Its mission is to provide highly specialized care for children, while conducting research, teaching and training a new generation of scholars in the field of child health care.


? Herzog & de Meuron / Bloomimages


St. Morris Cathedral

Designer: Kengo Kuma

Place: Anger, France

The Gothic Cathedral of St. Morris in Anger is characterized by the layering of signs and interventions. Entrusted by the French Cultural Agency, Kuma Yanwu Architecture and Urban Design Office is responsible for designing the corridor at the west entrance of St. Morris Cathedral in Anger. The origin of this project is to protect the rare colored stone reliefs from the 12th and 17th centuries. The whole project is expected to be completed in 2024.


? Kengo Kuma and Associates / l'autreimage


Populus  hotel

Design: Studio Gang

Location: Denver, USA

The most interesting aspect of the Populus Hotel designed by Studio Gang is its ecological footprint. The project will open in Denver in 2024 and is expected to become the first zero emission hotel in the United States. This goal will be achieved by using low-carbon concrete mixture, recycled and recyclable materials, maximizing structural efficiency, using less decorative materials, and minimizing waste... Trees will also be planted and cultivated to create more than 20000 square meters of forest.  


? Studio Gang


Taiwan Sun Rock

Architect: MVRDV

Project location: Taichung, Taiwan

Sun Rock is the operating facility of Taiwan's state-owned power company Taidian, located on the west coast of Taiwan. The project will become a "tool for energy production", aiming to demonstrate Taiwan's ambition to transform into green energy. The building will include offices, building maintenance workshops, storerooms and public galleries. Its shape and aesthetics are completely derived from parametric modeling: shape is the most effective expression of solar energy generation.

MVRDV defines this project as a "construction declaration", which aims to study the "future without fossil fuels".




Beijing Knowledge Forest Library

Architectural design: Sn? hetta

Project location: Beijing, China

Sn? Hetta deepened the design of the project's architecture, landscape and interior design with the cooperation of East China Architectural Design and Research Institute (ECADI) after winning the 2018 Beijing Sub center Library International Competition. The project is committed to creating a modern space for tourists to learn and share knowledge in the Beijing Sub center, At the same time, this building will also celebrate the rich culture of China and its capital Beijing.

The Beijing Sub central Library will also set a new standard for the design of traditional libraries: its design will be dominated by construction technology, and fully use local materials. At the same time, the building will have a glass curtain wall up to 16 meters high, which will be the first ultra-high self bearing glass curtain wall project in China.


 ? Sn?hetta / Plomp


Benin National Assembly

Design: K é r é Architecture

Area: 35000 square meters

Project location: Puerto Novo, Benin

The project designed by K é r é Architecture Studio in Berlin for the New National Assembly of Benin was inspired by the Paraff tree. Many African people usually gather under its shade to make unanimous decisions for the benefit of the community. Di é b é do Francis K é r é and his collaborators reinterpreted these ideas and designed a building surrounded by a porch space. In its center, we will find the auditorium. A striking element of the building is the dynamic ceiling with exposed structural beams, reminiscent of branches.    


? Kéré Architecture


Welcome, feeling at work

Natural office complex

Designer: Kengo Kuma&associates

Place: Milan, Italy

Designed by Kengo Kuma and his colleagues, this project will add architectural treasures to Milan. The project perfectly fits the narrative of this city, which regards environmental transformation as the main goal in the next few years. The project is convenient, transparent and transparent, and is supposed to be a large hanging garden that changes with the seasons.

Yuki Ikeguchi, partner of Kengo Kuma and Associates and project leader of Welcome, said: "Sustainable development is our future theme, and also the social responsibility of any industry and society. Welcome will provide a working environment model to promote business innovation to achieve sustainable development."  


? Kengo Kuma and Associates

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