Civil Engineering Online Forum \ Registration examination \ Registered Structural Engineer \ On the reinforcement ratio of beam stirrups

On the reinforcement ratio of beam stirrups

Please ask, one span of continuous beam is subject to uniform line load, and the support needs to be equipped with stirrup for shear resistance. After the stirrup area is calculated, when checking the reinforcement ratio, should it be 0.24ft/fyv or 0.28ft/fyv in 9.2.10?

  •  mojiaxing1

    9.2.10 It is bending, shearing and torsion. In general, the torsion bar is not considered for the next beam, unless there is an anchor point of longitudinal bar at the support position, under normal circumstances, one end of the torsion resistance must be a fixed end! Under normal circumstances, continuous span supports of continuous beams are not fixed

    2024-03-22 09:59:22

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