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How to handle the qualification of thermal power generation design engineering

The following steps and conditions are generally required to apply for the qualification of thermal power generation design engineering:

  1. Company registration and legal status confirmation

    • The company must be a legally registered enterprise with legal personality, and its business scope should include power design related businesses.

    • Provide company registration certificate, business license and other documents to prove its legitimacy.

  2. Staffing

    • Registered Electrical (Power Generation and Transmission) Engineer

    • Registered Public Equipment (Power) Engineer

    • Registered First Class Structural Engineer

    • Professional engineers of engineering economy and budget estimate

    • According to the specific requirements of the state for the qualification of thermal power generation design, a corresponding number and technical level of professional and technical personnel shall be provided, such as:

    • These personnel shall provide relevant registration certificates, work experience certificates and performance records in thermal power generation design projects.

  3. Technical capability certificate

    • Submit the completed project case materials to show the design results and the applied design tools, methods and technical standards.

    • Display company has necessary hardware resources such as design software, equipment and facilities.

    • Prove that the company has sufficient technical strength and experience in thermal power engineering design, including but not limited to:

  4. quality management system

    • Establish and operate an effective quality management system that conforms to ISO9001 and other certification systems or other industry-specific quality management regulations.

  5. Preparation of application materials

    • Fully prepared application forms and relevant annexes, including basic information of the enterprise, personnel roster, technical equipment list, quality assurance system documents, project performance certificates, etc.

  6. Submit application

    • All application materials shall be submitted to the local or national designated housing construction department, energy department or relevant industry authorities for approval.

  7. Review and publicity

    • The relevant departments will strictly review the qualification application of the enterprise, and may conduct a publicity period for a period of time after the application is passed to accept social supervision.

    • After no objection is announced or the objection is handled, the qualified enterprises will obtain corresponding qualification certificates for thermal power generation design.

Please note that as the policies and regulations will be adjusted over time, please refer to the latest Construction Engineering Survey and Design Qualification Standards and local relevant policy documents in actual operation. At the same time, the qualification process may also involve other administrative processes and cost payment links, which must be carried out in accordance with the latest official guidelines.

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What achievements are required for qualified personnel of thermal power design engineering

When applying for the qualification of thermal power generation design engineering, the performance requirements for the enterprise and its personnel usually include the following points: enterprise performance: the enterprise should have the performance of completing design projects of a certain scale and complexity. As for the qualification of thermal power generation design, the enterprise may be required to provide at least two design cases of large-scale thermal power generation or power transmission projects, or with hydropower Design performance of wind power generation and other combinations. For some high-level qualifications (such as Grade A), the enterprise may also be required to have the design performance of a specific level of thermal power station (such as million kilowatts).

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