Civil Engineering Online Forum \ Decoration design \ Decoration design renderings \ 600 ㎡, Hangzhou natural villa, feeling quiet and safe

600 ㎡, Hangzhou natural villa, feeling quiet and safe

Published on: 2024-01-23 16:12:23 come from: Decoration design / Decoration design renderings [Copy and forward]


Hangzhou Top International Design  
Zhejiang Hangzhou Nathan Manor 600 ㎡ Villa  
Growth and change are the laws of all life.
——F. Roosevelt
Speech at the University of Pennsylvania
The willows in spring, the plane trees in summer, the osmanthus in autumn, and the birches in winter make the family feel the flow of the four seasons and listen to the rhythm of nature.
The designer keenly catches this point, introduces the concept of "tree of life" in the design of this case, and ingeniously deconstructs the "tree" into roots, trunks, flowers, green leaves and fruits, and corresponds to the corresponding floor space design.


Everything is flowing,
Everything is changing,
Every thing contains the seeds of its own destruction.
——Henrik Ibsen by Plekhanov
The basement is composed of learning area, tea tasting area and fitness area. The nutrient, water and soil implied by these three spaces are the elements on which the "tree of life" depends for its existence.

The abstract sculpture of roots and whiskers is quietly rooted in the corner and is stubborn and upward.
Only when it is deeply rooted in the soil can it be thick and green, just like the vitality of this "tree of life".


The learning area is nutrient, providing nutrition for the tree of life. Round white ceiling, curved hemp sofa, a ray of setting sun from the daylighting well, a leisure afternoon reading time.

water content
The tea tasting area is set in the basement, which is intended to provide water for the root of the "tree of life" from the energy source. A cup of warm tea, a wisp of fragrance, a period of time.


The fitness area on the basement is equivalent to the soil of the tree, which constantly provides energy for the "Tree of Life". Exercise to expand your body; Meditate, explore your heart, fill your body with energy, and nourish every cell.


ground floor





Life is like a dream when leaves fall to their roots.
Children and parents are a story that will never end. It will slowly settle down in time until it finally becomes a film of memory and remains in the bottom of my heart.


second floor


green leaf
Natural color, pure and friendly, warm and beautiful.

Bird's nest
In the twilight, the early morning birds came to the warm nest.


Third floor



△ Plan of B1  

△ Plan of the first floor  

Second floor plan

△ Plan of the third floor    

Project Information    
Project name: Nathan Manor    
Design institute: Hangzhou Top International Design    
Design Director: Yan Shaocheng    
Project area: 600 ㎡    
Project address: Hangzhou, Zhejiang    
Project photography: Hanmo Vision - Liang Zhenxing    
Project camera: Hanmo Vision - A Diao       

  •  Water discharge power generation

    This material is good, support and encourage more uploading and sharing

    2024-01-24 08:52:24

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  •  Heaven and earth are silent

    Life is like a dream when leaves fall to their roots. Children and parents are a story that will never end. It will slowly settle down in time until it finally becomes a film of memory and remains in the bottom of my heart.

    2024-01-23 17:09:23

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Decoration design renderings

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