Civil Engineering Online Forum \ Landscape \ Ecological garden \ In autumn, there are not only red leaves, but also swaying reeds, reeds, and reeds It's so beautiful!

In autumn, there are not only red leaves, but also swaying reeds, reeds, and reeds It's so beautiful!

Published on: 2024-01-06 11:47:06 come from: Landscape / Ecological garden [Copy and forward]


Jianjia is green and white dew is frost

Jianjia green, white dew for frost, the so-called Iraqi people, in the water side.

——- The Book of Songs · Qin Feng · Jianjia

When I first heard the word "Jianjia", it was very beautiful,
But I don't know what I mean,
Later I learned that,
"Jianjia" means reeds.
Every year there is cold dew,
When frost falls,
The green reeds begin to turn yellow,
White reed flowers grow.

One person,    
A boat,    
Go through the vast Jianjia to find your sweetheart.    
But somehow,    
Always across the river    
Love without permission,    
Just like the floating mood in secret love.    

Into the reeds,    
Listen attentively,    
The sound of reed blossoms.    


Or fresh literature and art,
Or independent atmosphere,    
Freeze the most beautiful moment.    

Jianjia is a reed, also called reed flower. It grows according to water, turns yellow in autumn, and its flowers bloom like snow. When it flies, it looks like a dream, like endless yearning.    


The most beautiful thing about reeds is their posture.     It is floating like a flying spirit, floating beside the quiet pond, floating on the poet's desk, floating in the wandering heart, floating in the world you and I love

Jianjia Panyue    
There's always something floating by the water    

The best way to appreciate reeds is in the setting sun and on a moonlit night.      


Yu Dafu, a poet of the Republic of China, went to Qiuxue Temple when he went to Xixi in Hangzhou, because there was a large area of reed flowers there. It is said that the name of Qiu Xue Nunnery is "Qiu Xue Nunnery" from the poem "Fishing boats are covered with snow in autumn" because reeds blossom like autumn snow.    


However, Yu Dafu went at a bad time that day, and the reeds did not blossom. I saw the setting sun slanting, the light swaying on the slender reed leaves and poles. Although there is no artistic conception of autumn snow, Yu Dafu and his party feel that“ It's always sunny and magnificent, floating and muddy, and it penetrates our intestines.    


Yu Dafu asked the old monk when the reeds would bloom white flowers? The old monk smiled slightly, "It will wait until the October of the lunar calendar. If there is a moon, it will be more beautiful."    

Later, we don't know whether Yu Dafu went to see the "autumn snow" under the moonlight again. But Xu Zhimo saw it because his poem recalled that moment:“ The autumn moon is colorful broken jade, and the reed field is the other hall of the immortal family; I played the music of reed pipes, and I reflected in front of Qiuxue Temple.    


The charm of water, the gentleness of the moon, and the elegance of the reed surround themselves. All the troubles seem to be washed away, and the body and mind seem to follow.    

The reason why the elegant beauty is moving is that we all have a heart to fly.    


Flying snow in autumn    
Sorrow of separation floats in my heart    

Ouyang Xiu once said, "The vegetation is merciless, sometimes drifting". However, people are always sentimental because of vegetation.    

"It's sad and lonely in autumn since ancient times". Every autumn, the reeds seem to understand people's feelings about this season. They turn yellow one after another, and grow clusters of white flowers from thin branches and bones. They float in the wind, adding to the bleakness.    


Therefore, reeds are often synonymous with sadness of parting, and are written into the poems of homesickness and farewell.    


It was Li Bai who saw off his friend“ Farewell to you in August and autumn. The rustle of reeds and flowers returns to worry ”。 The autumn wind is cool, and the reeds are flying, just like us wandering everywhere. After all these years, when can we see each other again?      


When I was wandering, I was Bai Juyi“ The reeds beside the Bitter Bamboo Forest make you think endlessly when you stop the boat ”。       There was a bamboo forest and a clump of reeds at the place where the boat stopped. I could not help thinking of the day when I left home. It was also such a sad autumn day, and such reeds were blowing snow.

The autumn reeds and snow, I don't know where the wind will take us, just like we leave home in a hurry, I don't know where the fate will push us.    


Fortunately, there are also these flying reeds, pretending that they blur our tears and cover up the sadness of separation floating in our hearts.  

Reed has roots    
Just like you and me    

Philosopher Pascal once said, "Man is a thinking reed". Because people, like reeds, are fragile and tough, small and stubborn.

In the autumn evening, the sky is high and the clouds are wide when you look up, and the reeds are continuous when you look down, as if there is always a secret behind. The white reed flowers dance around innocently. Under the warm yellow sun, my heart is broken.    




Ah, Confucius said that we should give up the old and take the young, regardless of the old. We only care about the bad luck of the children's home. Now the world does not emphasize filial piety. The old people are poor, and they are in nursing homes. Then the children become more and more arrogant. The emperor and the empress dowager are becoming smaller. And there is no filial piety in a family. The family is bound to fail. So the family is not auspicious and valuable. China emphasizes that children should be filial through the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly. This is in the whole country There is no such legislation in the world. From these signs, we can see that the 21st century is the century of Chinese people. As long as we do not emphasize filial piety, there is no future for all mankind. Why is it that because filial piety is the origin of love, if people do not know how to love, how can they possibly live a happy life? How can human beings have a future? But the origin of love is also filial piety, the root of virtue. Filial piety is the first family without filial piety One of the most important virtues of our Chinese nation is to respect and love the old. The tradition of respecting and respecting the old has been passed on for thousands of years from the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, but now it is not well done. We should understand that the old have devoted their lives to the family and society. They do not respect the old. They are called ingratitude without the old. No descendants without the efforts of the old. No modern achievements. The old have a very rich life Wisdom and experience, so those who respect the elderly can inherit these valuable wisdom and experience, and the blessings that people always cultivate deserve our respect if they can cultivate a long life. So there are three kinds of people's Fukuda that can be taught to our children: Keita Keita Beitian. We are grateful to the elderly for giving our life to remember his kindness. We respect the elderly and then inherit his wisdom and experience. Everyone has friends who are bigger than him People who are more than one year old or twice as old must be more mature than people of the same age. You can observe carefully, so you can be respectful and get great blessings, arrogant and contemptuous. We often say that a family is a big tree. Grandparents are the root parents of a big tree, branches and leaves, children are the fruit growers. They all fertilize the root, apply medicine to the fruit, and only fertilize the fruit on the root can there be enough camp We should care more for the elderly and educate more about our children. When we foster parents, our children also see parents as the best example for children to grow up. Children are a family that understands filial piety through their parents' actions. If parents are filial to the elderly, children will be filial to their parents And beautiful Chinese people often say that filial piety is the first step of kindness. One should be grateful to his parents and learn to love them. On this basis, one can further love others. If a person does not love his parents and relatives, then he will never be kind to others. Filial piety is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. It is the first step for all Chinese to cultivate their moral character and learn to be kind first Step filial piety is the origin of good deeds. There is no filial piety at all. This family is not far from decline. There is a joke on the Internet. Today's young people pay more and more attention to health care. They hold a thermos cup in their left hand and hold a tall glass of beer and medlar cola in their right hand. It is extremely difficult to walk together with the party. Only when they are together, can they be comfortable. It is a perfect relationship. Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu are famous literary couples Love for decades Yang Jiangsheng's daughter couldn't return home during hospitalization Qian Zhongshu was alone at home the first day when he went to the hospital to see his wife. He said he was sorry that I dropped ink on the tablecloth. I was afraid that ordinary people would jump up. The ink was difficult to wash, but Yang Jiang didn't have her. She just smiled knowingly to comfort her husband. It didn't matter that I would wash it. Qian Zhongshu came to the hospital the next day and said he was sorry that I smashed the lamp If it's broken, Yang Jiang still smiles and says it's OK. I will fix it when he learns to strike the first match to light the fire for his wife. Yang Jiang asks him that you will use a match. Qian Zhongshu holds the match and says in a proud voice that it's right. You see, I can strike a match. Two people enjoy living together in comfort. They know each other and cherish each other as plain as water, but they live and die together It is the best health care. There is a saying that marriage is like wearing shoes. Only when the feet know that the surface scenery is for others to see how comfortable life is, can they know how to make each other feel comfortable and make each other better people. This is good marriage. Comfortable living is the best way of health care. Avoid anger. Chinese medicine believes that all diseases are mental illness first, then gas illness, and then blood disease At last, there were some words in the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine, which said that anger hurt the liver, joy, sadness, lung, thought, spleen, fear, kidney. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, more than 90% of diseases are related to emotion, so bad emotion is the source of all diseases, and emotion is contagious. Your health depends on your mood, and your mood often depends on whether you can get along well with the people around you and get along well with the people around you Pure freedom, inner peace, their smile makes people feel at ease, their behavior makes people feel warm, and there is no obstacle to overcome. You can get the best health care without taking any supplements, and you can get the best health care with uncomfortable people, and be careful to walk on thin ice and compromise. If you are not careful, you will jump over the house and mess up, which is no different from poisoning each other, chronic suicide, whether making friends or living with comfortable people The best way to keep fit is to create a comfortable social circle and a healthy environment for making friends. But the premise is that we should also become such people. We should know how to treat others well, respect, humility, and sense of propriety. We should know how to be sincere and tolerant of friends. If there is not much sincerity, then our family will be good. We need not be rich in unity, then we will be good lovers, and we will not need to be romantic and painful. It is good to stay away from those who make us uncomfortable for the rest of our lives The people who serve them have something to do. They have nothing to do. They have nothing to do. They are not afraid of small things. They are not slow in life. All the joys and sorrows of life are tied to their hearts. If they are safe, what is really impossible? Their hearts are like lotus flowers without water, or like the sun and moon without space. When they are in the world of mortals, they should deal with things. They have nothing to do or something to do. They are calm and calm. They are as clean and elegant as lotus flowers Like the sun and the moon, it is free, bright, equal, and unimpeded by the past. The heart cannot get the present. The heart cannot get the future. The heart cannot get the calm. Release the tangled past with openness. Let the heart calm down with a calm welcome to the unknown future. Only then can you understand yourself. Follow the fate. Calm down. Calm down. It is a kind of cultivation. It is also a kind of cultivation. It changes with the heart. The heart creates troubles. It is all from the heart. Sometimes there must be life. Don't force it Some things that don't belong to you. Learn to give up life in a timely manner. A good attitude can make you optimistic and open-minded. It can make you overcome the hardships you face. It can make you indifferent to fame and wealth and lead a peaceful and happy life. People tend to take themselves too seriously so that they will be worried about gains and losses. They feel that others must understand themselves. In fact, people should look down on themselves less and have more self. In order to be happy, they need to change positions The greater happiness is, the more tolerance we have, the more mouths we can get from others. We can't control it, but we can look at all the troubles with a calm heart. We can hear the voice of everything with a clear heart. We can see the essence of everything. We can precipitate our own heart. We need to watch the changes of events. We need to pay attention to ways and means to get along with people. Some things need to be endured and not angry. Some people need to let go. Life is not a battlefield. There is no need to compete Life is just a Taoist experience. More understanding between people will lead to fewer misunderstandings. Heart and heart don't conquer each other. This is the most important problem for couples. Conquering is what happens frequently between couples. Talk about who is right and who is wrong. Discuss who has hurt who is too much. These are all taboos. Good couples are always pretending to be stupid. It is to protect the short. It is true love that can protect the short. Don't Don't criticize the other party. Don't accuse the other party of foolishly accompanying the other party all the way because it has been decided that there is no need to understand again and know how to improve again and improve again. There is progress. Accept also accept love. There is a person who can love well. How beautiful it is. Don't destroy how big things are not worth destroying. Don't be smart about the person you love You should be smart enough to move your heart. You should never lie to your lover. You should never do anything to destroy the atmosphere and mood. Men have a normal temper, but men can be angry with the sky and the ground, but not with their wives. Because no matter whether you are in a good mood or bad mood, others can turn around and leave. But only your lover should accompany you through depression. You will gain a lot and lose a lot in this life There is only one person who accompanies you to the end, but they are not as big as the women around them. Everyone can only slowly understand to apply the most expensive mask and stay up for the longest night. In fact, this is also a realistic portrayal, because more and more people are really starting to buy health care products, anti-aging skin care products, foot powder, health care tea, but everyone is paying attention to external health care, ignoring emotional health care to find a way to make you comfortable People are better than all health care products. Being with comfortable people is the best health care. Being comfortable is the best friend relationship. You must have had this experience. When you are with some friends, you will feel comfortable and free. Time always passes unconsciously. Even though the mind is full of clouds, it seems to be dispelled in an instant. Even if you are silent, you feel comfortable, but when you meet some people, you will be all over Feeling uncomfortable, I have to wear a false mask and say words against my will. Or I have to be patient and listen to endless complaints. As a result, my original good mood has been replaced by negative energy. Some people are struggling to get along. Some things you can't stand to see. Don't force yourself to be angry for people who are not worth it. Why bother to enter a circle that is not suitable for you Unfavorable friends are not worth cherishing. Chuang Tzu said that a gentleman's friendship is as light as water, and a villain's friendship is as sweet as sweet. It's easy to talk about. It's easy not to hide. It's not tiresome. It's the most comfortable state when making friends. Many facts have proved that comfort is the best way to get along with friends. Such friendship will not easily dissipate. When people get along with each other, they will not get along with each other because of the three different views Conflicts will not continue because they don't understand each other, nor because their emotions are always inconsistent. Zhou Guoping said that if you get along with others, if you feel particularly relaxed and relaxed, you will feel the real benefits. I'm sure you must meet your peers, even if you are engaged in different professional lives and are tired, don't force yourself to stay away from those that make you feel uncomfortable Make friends with people who are comfortable to get along with and make you better friends. It's the preservative of marriage. It's the same with marriage. There are a thousand answers in a thousand people's hearts about the beautiful appearance of marriage, but they can't escape the point that they want to live comfortably. Couples are the people who have to stay together for the longest time in the world even though they have no blood relationship. So it's very important to get along well The best outcome of marriage is not that two people break through all difficulties and walk together. Only when they get along well together is the perfect relationship. Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu are famous literary couples. They have known each other for decades. Yang Jiangsheng's daughter cannot return home during hospitalization. Qian Zhongshu is alone at home. The first day he went to the hospital to see his wife, he said he was sorry that I dropped ink on the tablecloth and replaced it with ordinary I'm afraid people will jump up. How hard it is to wash ink. But Yang Jiang didn't have her. She just smiled knowingly to comfort her husband. It's the best health care. There is a saying that marriage is like wearing shoes. Only when feet know that the surface scenery is for others, can they feel comfortable and make each other feel better. This is good marriage The best way to keep healthy is to avoid anger. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that all diseases are mental illness first, then qi disease, then blood disease, and finally form disease. The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic also says that anger hurts the liver, joy, sadness, lung, thought, spleen, fear, kidney. According to the World Health Organization, more than 90% of diseases are related to emotions, so bad emotions are the source of all diseases, and emotions are contagious. Your health depends on your emotions And your mood often depends on whether you can get along well with the people around you. You can get along well with the people around you. You can get along well. You can get along well with the people around you. You can get along well with them. You can get along well with them. You can get along well with them. You can get along well with them. You can get along well with them Dogs jumping at home and disturbing the house is no different from poisoning each other. Chronic suicide. Whether making friends or living with comfortable people, it is the best way to build a comfortable social circle and create a healthy friendship environment. But the premise is that we should also become such people. We should know how to treat others well. We should know how to respect, modest and moderate. We should know how to be sincere and tolerant. If friends are not many, we should be sincere and family members should be good It's better to be united than to love someone. It's better to stay away from those who make us uncomfortable for the rest of our lives. If we have something to do, we will not be confused. We will not be afraid of small things. We will not be slow in life. All the joys and sorrows of life are tied to our hearts. If we are safe, what is really impossible to live? If our hearts are like lotus flowers without water, or if the sun and the moon are not empty, we will be free in the world of mortals The mind of doing nothing or doing nothing is calm and calm, like a lotus flower. It is clean and elegant, not for whom it is opened, not for whom it falls, like the sun and moon. It is free, bright and equal. It does not hinder the past. It cannot get the present. It cannot get the future. It cannot be quiet. It can release the tangled past with openness. It can calm the mind by calmly welcoming the unknown future. You can understand yourself. It is a kind of cultivation, but also a kind of cultivation Things change according to your heart. Worries are created by your heart. Sometimes you have to live in your life. Don't try to force things that don't belong to you. Learn to give up in time. A good attitude in life can make you optimistic and open-minded. It can help you overcome the difficulties you face. It can make you indifferent to fame and wealth and lead a peaceful and happy life. People tend to take themselves too seriously before they think others must To understand ourselves, people should look down on themselves less, and put more emphasis on themselves in order to be happy. The more happy the heart is, the more tolerance it has. The more people's mouths it receives. We can't control it, but we can look at all the troubles with a calm heart. Only when the heart is calm can we hear the voice of everything. Only when the heart is clear can we see the essence of everything and precipitate our own heart. We need to watch the changes of events and get along with people There are ways and means to be careful. Some things need to be tolerated and not angry. Some people need to let go. Life is not a battlefield. There is no need to compete. Life is just the Taoist experience. More understanding between people will lead to less misunderstanding. Mind and mind don't conquer each other. This is the most important problem for couples. Conquering is something that often happens between couples. Talk about who is right and who is wrong. Discuss who hurt who is too much These are taboos. Good couples are always pretending to be stupid to each other. It is true love that protects the short. Don't embarrass the other. Don't criticize the other. Don't blame the other. Don't blame the other for foolishly accompanying them all the way. It is because it has been decided that there is no need to understand again and know how to improve and perfect. There is progress. Accept also accept love. It is beautiful to have a person who can love each other in a lifetime Ah, don't destroy anything. It's not worth destroying. Don't be smart and smart about the person you love. If you want to move your heart, you will never lie to your lover. Never do anything that will destroy the atmosphere and mood. Men have a normal temper, but men can be angry with the weather but not with their wives. No matter what your mood is, others can turn around and leave, but only love People have to accompany you. They have to accompany you. They have to be discouraged. They have to be high spirited. In this life, you will gain a lot. They will lose a lot. But they will accompany you to the end. There is only one person who is not as good as the women around you. Everyone can only slowly understand and learn. Because there are not many people who can do well, don't just say they can't do. Husband and wife have the same heart. There is no right or wrong in everything. There is only harmony between family and talent Family is the place of love, not the place of reason. The place of reason is the court house. The root and soul are controlled by women. It is inevitable that two people will quarrel when they are together for a long time. Women tend to say words like knives when they are angry. The man who will stay to fight with you and doesn't want to leave you is the man who really loves you. The greatest force in the world is love When a woman gives you everything, what you should be satisfied with is not how handsome and rich you are, but that she is ready to share weal and woe with you Has Xiu ever thought that his efforts all day and all night are to make the beloved you have better living conditions. When a man is empty handed and willing to work for you, you should be satisfied that what he sees is not how beautiful and sexy you are, but that he doesn't want to suffer from being with his woman for a long time, slowly becoming dependent on love, slowly becoming kinship, even if two people don't have the original passion, please remember There are feelings. When you want to let go, have you ever thought about why you stayed with her for a long time? Even if you didn't fall in love at that time, you should choose to stay together. Have you done this to each other? Women understand that staying together, men understand that thanksgiving is just a way of life. If you have more content, you will have less conflict. Where can you find happiness in your life? There is happiness in your faith, happiness in your practice, happiness in your service Happy, quiet, happy, with nothing to ask for, thinking that others are happy, just be simple, just live a quiet life, just have nothing to do. This is not empty, not confused, not afraid of big things, not slow down. The ancients said that one generation of officials, nine generations of unjust officials, did well to accumulate blessings for their children, and did not do well to take the things of the people as their own, and want to leave them to their children. These things are all sins As for the damage to the good fortune newspaper, the first generation of officials and the ninth generation of grievances said that if they worked for their own family, it would not matter. The next day, Qian Zhongshu came to the hospital and said that he was sorry that I broke the desk lamp. Yang Jiang still smiled and said that it would not matter. I would fix it when he learned to strike the first match to light the fire for his wife. When Yang Jiang asked him that you would use a match, Qian Zhongshu held the match and said with pride that you were right Look, I can strike a match. Two people enjoy living together in comfort. They know each other, cherish each other as plain as water, but life and death are interdependent and comfortable. Being together is the best health care. There is a saying that marriage is like wearing shoes. Only when the feet know that the scenery on the surface is for others to see how comfortable life is, can they know how to make each other feel comfortable and make each other feel comfortable To become a better person is to get along well in a good marriage. It is the best way to keep healthy. To avoid anger, Chinese medicine believes that all diseases are mental illness first, then qi disease, then blood disease, and finally form disease. There are also words in the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic that anger hurts the liver, joy, sorrow, lung, spleen, fear, kidney. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, more than 90% of diseases are related to emotions, so bad emotions are the source of all diseases, but emotions It's contagious. Your health depends on your mood. Your mood often depends on whether you can get along well with the people around you. Get along well with the people around you. Be quiet and comfortable. Be at peace. Their smile makes people feel comfortable. Behaviour makes people feel warm. There is no obstacle to overcome. Without taking any supplements, you can get the best health care and stay with uncomfortable people It's the best way to keep fit, but the first thing is that we should also become such people who know how to treat others well, respect, be modest, and know how to be measured It's better to be sincere and tolerant when friends are not too many. It's better for family members not to be united and love each other. It's better for you to stay away from those people who make us uncomfortable for the rest of your life. If we have something to do, our heart will not be confused. Our heart will not be empty. Our heart will not be afraid of small things. Our heart will not be slow in life. The ups and downs of life are all tied to our heart. If we are safe, what is really impossible? Our heart is like lotus without water The sun and the moon do not stay empty. When you are in the world of mortals, you should be past. Then you should do nothing or do nothing. You should be calm and calm. You should be like a lotus. You should be clean and elegant. You should not open for anyone. You should be free and bright. You should be like the sun and the moon. You should be free and equal. You should not be in the past. You should not be in the future. You should be calm. You should be open-minded. You should release the tangled past. You should be open to the unknown future. You can calm your mind. You can read the self It's a kind of cultivation, but also a kind of cultivation. It's a kind of cultivation. It's a kind of cultivation. It's a kind of cultivation. It turns from mind to mind. Worries are created by mind. Sometimes there must be a life. Don't try to force those things that don't belong to you. Learn to give up life in a timely manner. A good attitude can make you optimistic and open-minded. It can help you overcome the difficulties you face. It can make you indifferent to fame and wealth and lead a peaceful and happy life. People tend to If you think too much of yourself, you will be worried about your gains and losses. You think others must understand you. In fact, people should think less of themselves and more of their positions in order to be happy. How happy you are, how much tolerance you have. The more you get from others, the more we can't control. But we can take a cool heart to see all the troubles. Only when you are calm, can you hear the voice of everything, and only when you are clear, can you see the essence of everything Quality precipitates one's mind. To observe the changes of events and get along with others, one needs to pay attention to ways and means. Some things need to be endured and not angry. Some people need to let go of life. Life is not a battlefield. No need for a higher level of life. It is just the Taoist experience. More understanding between people will lead to less misunderstanding. Mind and mind don't conquer each other. This is the most important problem for couples. Conquering is what happens frequently between couples. Who is right It's a big taboo to discuss who is wrong, who has hurt who, and who has gone too far. Good couples are always pretending to be stupid. It's true love that can protect the short. Don't be embarrassed. Don't criticize the other party. Don't blame the other party for being silly all the way. It's because it has been decided that there is no need to know again and then know how to improve again. There is progress. Accept also accept love How beautiful it is to be able to have a person love each other in your whole life. Don't destroy anything. It's not worth destroying. Don't be smart and smart and move your heart when you want to. Never lie to your lover. Never do things that damage the atmosphere and mood. Men have a normal temper, but men can be angry with the sky and the ground, but not with their wives If you are in a good mood, others can turn around and leave, but only the lover has to accompany you through depression and high spirits. You will get a lot and lose a lot in this life, but only one person who will accompany you to the end is as big as the woman around you. Everyone can only slowly understand and learn because there are not many people who can do well, so don't be a man who can only say and don't do There is no right or wrong in the family. Only harmony can make the family prosperous. It is a place of love, not a place of reason. It is a place of reason. The court house is a place of root and soul. The root and soul are controlled by women. Two people will inevitably quarrel after being together for a long time. Women often say words like knives in anger. The man who will stay to fight with you and doesn't want to leave you is the man who really loves you The greatest power in the world is love. The most powerful weapon is moving. It is noisy and scolding. It is true love. When you dislike the woman around you, she is not beautiful enough. Have you ever thought that many men envy her unswerving feelings for you? When a woman gives you everything, you should be satisfied that she is not interested in how handsome and rich you are, but that she has already done well with you When you hate the man around you who is not good enough, have you ever thought that his efforts every day and night are to make your beloved have better living conditions? When a man is empty handed and willing to work for you, you should be satisfied that what he is interested in is not how beautiful and sexy you are, but that he does not want to suffer from being with his woman for a long time, slowly becoming dependent on love, slowly becoming kinship When two people are together, they don't have the original passion. Please don't forget that there are feelings. When you want to let go, have you ever thought about why you stayed with her/why he came here for a long time? Even if he didn't love at that time, you should choose to stay together. Have you done this to each other? Women know how to stay together, men know how to be grateful is more tolerant in life, and there will be fewer disputes in life There is happiness in the belief, there is happiness in the practice, there is happiness in the service, there is happiness in the quiet heart, there is no desire for others to be happy in our hearts, it is easy to live a quiet life, it is good to have nothing to do, it is not empty of mind, there is no confusion about big things, not afraid of small things, not slow down. The ancients said that one generation of officials, nine generations of unjust officials, do well is to accumulate blessings for future generations, do not well occupy the things of ordinary people for themselves, want to leave These ungrateful things of descendants are all sins, and their descendants use them to repay their good fortune. So one generation of officials and nine generations of grievances also said that if you work for your own family, you should not work for the government. It is also the law of heaven. Although there are no relatives, the law of heaven is only friendly people. As long as you accumulate yin and virtue, you can still be useful. If you want children to be able to read, you should do more charity. If you want children to be rich, you should help the poor more If children and grandchildren are healthy, they should apply more medicine. This is the same when it comes to filial piety. Many people are very filial. They buy lots of supplements for their parents, buy unnecessary things, and even hold a banquet. It seems that the world is busy. In fact, it is unfilial because it hurts their parents' welfare. People will kill if they live a long life. So many old people died in the Republic of China. His son held a banquet for 300 tables. After a few days, the old man was just dreaming I can go to heaven to enjoy my happiness, but I can't get out of the trial in the hell because you killed too much. It can be seen that although it costs children's money, it is damaging the happiness of the old family. Parents spend a lot of unnecessary money, which is also damaging the happiness of the children. It is also godless. So don't celebrate the children's birthday. Children can read books. Parents should not be proud too early. They should be strict with the children It's good to waste too much money on children, which is bad for children's welfare. What's more, many people waste money in companies and even in national units, which is bad for children's welfare. Many people want to make money easily, but they don't know it. It's also not long before we overdraw the welfare. We should have the concept of knowing that the welfare is shallow, but we can't use it The truth is that life will be much less painful and troublesome. People's Daily once issued an article angrily criticizing college students who are still sleeping. They either sleep in a daze in class or play mobile phones in their spare time. They only eat snacks and watch plays. They are addicted to games. Without your figure in the library, you never step into the workplace. Such people also don't step into the company's gate one hour before leaving work Absent-minded play with mobile phone, brush microblog, work in hand can be delayed, can't be delayed, force yourself to add a shift, but must wind up the circle of friends ask you if you have seen the office building at midnight, moved to be unable, but ignored the work that should have been completed early in the day, do not have to be serious, can deal with the boss, can be capable of not making progress, can not be fired, as for wages, as long as the mind The dream will rise one day. Such people are not real Buddhists, but still envy others for promotion and salary increase, but they dream of making a monthly salary of ten thousand. Young people who take their parents' hard-earned money to provide for the elderly. Some people begin to provide for the elderly in their twenties. They have a cup of coffee and spend the whole day slowly. They no longer learn knowledge. Watching others work overtime, they laugh at the fool who regards contentment with the status quo as contentment Sadly, the number of people who are satisfied with their salary of 3000 a month is living a quiet life, but they rely on their parents to provide financial support. According to the statistics of the China Aging Research Center, at present,% of young people in China rely on the elderly. More than% of families have the phenomenon of "gnawing on the elderly". Some adult children bring more financial pressure to their parents than they did when they were minors. This month, Wuhan was one year old The old man asked for help from the society. He said that his son had been in the house for many years and would not work. He was too old and in poor health, even if he left his son's life one day, he would not find a way out. The old man said that he had a pension of more than 5000 yuan a month. He could not spend much on medicine and daily expenses. It was just because of the situation of his youngest son. The family was very nervous and worried about the old man. The son But they are disgusted and even accuse the elderly of meddling in their own affairs. The age of independence is not only unable to make their families happy, but also dependent on their parents to live. These young people with mental cancer are contented to gnaw at the old age, but they are unwilling to fight for their own future. Visible desperation. Not long ago, a 37 year old female master who is a mother of two children posted a post on the forum seeking employment. She graduated from China Top university has been working in a foreign company for nearly ten years, because the department was closed, she was laid off and had to find a new job. Her requirement is not high. In the short term, her monthly salary is 3000 yuan. She described her work experience in this way in her post. She had done research cooperation management, but only did not pass the registration certificate of her major. She did not pass the exam. She could not speak Japanese, but English was OK, but only had English scores during the postgraduate entrance exam It will take a long time to pass or no result. She said that I admit that I am a failure and have not honed my wings in such a long career, so now it is so sad. Some people commented that it is better to let the workplace put the truth that if you do not advance, you will fall back. All successful careers are made by time and sweat. The laziness you stole will become a slap in the face sooner or later The middle-aged crisis has become a hot topic recently. Liu Wenjun, director of the Administrative Teaching and Research Section of the China Institute of Labor Relations, believes that middle-aged people are easy to be eliminated because their knowledge structure has been basically fixed. The efficiency of learning new knowledge and skills is low. The transformation is too slow, but not all people are helpless when the middle-aged crisis comes. Even those who have a certain skill are in danger in the workplace Cai Yujie, a technician in a front-line production workshop, lost her job when she was less than years old, but she was determined to start again. Through self-study and attending training classes, she obtained accounting and computer related qualification certificates. With these new skills, she found an accounting job, and her salary was even better than before. Xiao Chengping, who is engaged in employee selection and employment in enterprises, said that social development So fast, the enterprise also needs to constantly seek innovation and change. If there is no sense of hardship at ordinary times, relax and learn. It is inevitable to be eliminated regardless of age. The British philosopher Whithead once said that the lack of enterprising spirit means corruption. The BBC has analyzed the probability that the industry will be eliminated in the future according to the data of researchers at Cambridge University. AI technology is increasingly developed, and telemarketers are replaced by robots Chances are that a enterprising man will never indulge in smoking and drinking tables and games, but has one or two hobbies he focuses on, such as running, fitness, playing chess, playing football, reading books, etc. Not only can he cultivate his personality, but also can make men more attractive and make more excellent friends. In fact, hobbies determine the circle of men. I know that men who smoke and drink must also have the same friends and him What career can you achieve when you get together? Look at his house. Although it is a Chinese tradition for women to clean the house, this is exactly a place for men to test their taste, especially for single men. The ancients often said that how can you sweep the world without sweeping a house? This is true. According to the research of Harvard Business School, successful people with strong sense of happiness generally live in a clean and tidy environment People who are very comfortable and unfortunate often have a disorderly home. In fact, the room you live in is a reflection of yourself. What kind of person you are will live in what kind of room, and the god of wealth also likes to live in a clean environment. Look at his circle of friends. A man with good taste is absolutely calm if his circle of friends is full Read a book with impetuous atmosphere, immediately sent a circle of friends, walked 10000 steps, immediately sent a circle of friends to XX company, and immediately sent a circle of friends to win any small prize, immediately sent a picture to the circle of friends, and wanted to show all his achievements to everyone to see that such a man is difficult to make a big fortune. A man of real taste never heard what Jinglei did in silence I have said that it is others who help him to say that such a man is low-key and calm. How can he fail to succeed? Look at his demeanor. Some men are rude when they don't talk. Some men talk like they are in a good mood. Some men never give up their seats when they take public transportation. Some men will take extra care of the elderly, children and women. Some men will never admit their mistakes even if they are wrong. Some men are not their own fault but stand for the overall situation Some men who recognize their mistakes and help their women carry a bag feel disgusted. Some men buy bags for their women and never hesitate to have more elegant men. They must be more open in society because his taste and demeanor are his gold signboard. Many people say that a man's highest taste is the woman he marries. What kind of woman you marry determines what kind of woman you are going to marry What kind of life do you lead? A woman who is greedy for pleasure and extravagant will be defeated by her even if he has more property and more fortune. A woman who is fussy and jealous of every detail will be obsessed with trivial matters even if he has greater ambitions. Look at the women around successful men. They are gentle, kind, knowledgeable and understanding. She never scolds her when her men are frustrated Instead, she comforted him with a soft voice and encouraged him to make a comeback. When her man was proud, she smiled and nodded to remind him not to be complacent. The success of men around her with such an interpretation flower was naturally easy to catch. Men with good taste in these five points were destined to have an extraordinary life ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

The reed is fragile. It can only rise with the wind and water. However, It is tough and knows how to bow to the wind and leave the most beautiful posture.

it     Small, so never try to be brave with the world. It is beautiful, so it never competes in spring.     Reed is always beautiful in autumn, flying bravely in the wind and growing freely in the four seasons.

The writer Zhou Guoping said“ People, the fragile reed, need to imagine another reed as their own root.

We are all floating in the world, like reeds floating in the water. However, as long as you have roots, you will always have a dream to rely on. If you want to go back, it may be your hometown, a lover, or an ideal.

The reeds are flying    
I'll show you how to see the pictures and know the reeds    
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

As the weather turns cool, the reeds gradually turn white Gags all over the sky are like dreams. But,     Reed, reed bamboo, reed?     How to distinguish?     Bewildering     wait a moment,     next,     One move will teach you to see the map and know the reed!



Phragmites communis, one of the herbaceous plants, originated quite early in China and has strong vitality, also known as reeds, reed flowers and reeds.




Reed - the most famous


Jianjia is green and white dew is frost

——The Book of Songs · Jianjia

I am the famous "Jianjia" in the Book of Songs
Growing in swamp
Make friends with fish and shrimp, and keep company with birds and insects
It has an upright stem with more than 20 sections
The longest internode can reach 25 cm
There are white hairs under the knot
The most commonly used broom at home                
Based on me                



Ludi -- the most romantic

The Xunyang River sees off guests at the first night, while maple leaves and grass flowers rustle in autumn.

——"Pipa Xing"

Breeze blowing, flying like snow

It's my credit

Fluffy Gags

The pole is thin without fuzz

The blade is long and flat

Flower is my biggest characteristic

By mid to late November

Will slowly turn white

It is a charming scenery in the late autumn wetland




Reed Bamboo - the highest tall and burly


I'm tall and thin

The inflorescence is longer and larger than the reed, and the stalk is higher than the reed

The upper part of the stem has branches, but the reed does not

And my culm can grow new leaves the next year

Reed can only extract new grass from underground stems

If leaves are removed

You'll think I'm a bamboo



Five knots -- the most incisive

Same family but different genus with reeds

They are usually born in the grass beside streams and roads

It looks like a reed

There is white powder on the stalk, and the leaves are also flat

But the midrib of my leaf is white

My stalk grows obliquely

Gags shaped like a knife




Puyu -- the most fluffy and soft


Your majesty is a rock, and my concubine is a bulrush,

Pu reed is as tough as silk, and the rock has no transfer.

——Southeast Branch of Peacock

I'm from South America

Immigrant to China as an ornamental plant

My biggest characteristic is

The flowers are exaggerated and not implicit at all

It's big and white

But my leaves are thinner

Seen from afar, like green silk threads

Very soft and beautiful



Time can carve us,

Life can also round and flatten us,

But as long as you are like a reed,

Keep your roots firmly,

Know tenacity and modesty,

We can still smile against the wind,

Watching the setting sun shed tears,

Excited by the beautiful world

  •  Yj Blue sky

    The picture is good, learning, thank you for sharing

    2024-01-29 08:40:29

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Case sharing of urban reconstruction of abandoned mines and construction of mine parks

The "urban double repair" in mine restoration is to promote mine ecological restoration guided by exploring the market. Combine mine transformation and environmental control to achieve ecological restoration effect. Through urban reconstruction of abandoned mines and construction of mine parks, the effect of mountain restoration can be effectively restored. Ecological restoration of abandoned mines is an important part of mine transformation and a specific action of global ecological civilization construction. Through the intervention of artificial art, the protection of mine geological environment has reached a new stage. The mine geological environment has gradually improved, the problems left over by history are gradually reduced, and the geological environment of production mines has been effectively prevented and monitored.

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