Civil Engineering Online Forum \ Review Title \ Guangdong Title \ What conditions should be met to evaluate Guangdong intermediate professional titles? In which unit can I be evaluated?

What conditions should be met to evaluate Guangdong intermediate professional titles? In which unit can I be evaluated?

Published on: 2024-01-02 10:51:02 come from: Review Title / Guangdong Title [Copy and forward]

Now the role of the title of intermediate construction engineer is becoming more and more important, and more and more professional and technical personnel want to comment on it early! Evaluation of intermediate professional titles can be said to break the threshold~

Many places have specially introduced such talent policies, including talent housing purchase and talent subsidies, to provide maximum convenience for such skilled people.

For engineers, professional title certificates are very important, What conditions should be met to evaluate intermediate professional titles? In which unit can I be evaluated? If you want to know the answer, let's have a look!

In which unit is the intermediate construction engineer evaluated?

In fact, there are many companies that can evaluate intermediate professional titles. Generally speaking, there are two ways to evaluate intermediate professional titles: most people will choose to evaluate within the company, or to evaluate intermediate professional titles in the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. Both have their own advantages.

In the case of internal evaluation, the conditions are not so strict and there are not so many materials. In addition, you can issue a certificate in your own company when you review it. You don't have to travel around the world. The certificate can also be used for promotion and salary increase.

In this view, the internal review of the company really feels good, but this certificate also has limitations. First of all, the company's internal certificate can only be used in the company and will not be recognized after leaving. To put it bluntly, if you can always do this job, the unit card is still useful. If you want to change your job in the future, I suggest you go to the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to review your professional title.

We evaluate the title of intermediate construction engineer to meet the needs of future career development. Therefore, it is suggested that the title of blank title should be more stable for the applicant. Because the professional titles assessed by the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau are high in value and good in social circulation, including those that can be used for undertaking projects in the future, but the unit certificate can not achieve this effect.

What are the evaluation conditions for intermediate construction engineers?

1. Have a doctor's degree;

2. Have a master's degree or the second bachelor's degree, and have been engaged in technical work of this profession for at least 2 years after obtaining the title of assistant engineer;

3. Have a bachelor's degree or bachelor's degree, and have been engaged in technical work of this specialty for at least 4 years after obtaining the title of assistant engineer;

4. Have a college degree, and have been engaged in technical work of this specialty for 4 years after obtaining the title of assistant engineer;

5. Have a master's degree in engineering in this specialty or related specialty, and have been engaged in technical work in this specialty for at least one year after obtaining the title of assistant engineer.

If you meet the above mandatory qualifications, you can start to prepare for the evaluation of intermediate construction engineers. If the qualifications are not enough, you can improve your qualifications first.

In general, we should seize the opportunity early. The appropriate time and policy are not equal to others. The earlier we apply, the earlier we can enjoy the benefits brought by the professional title. Scan the QR code below the article for free consultation!


Guangdong Title

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