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How to choose stones for office decoration to avoid being cheated?

Published on: 2023-12-20 11:21:20 come from: Decoration design / Decoration design renderings [Copy and forward]

The pursuit of high-grade decorative materials in office decoration has become a new fashion. Among many materials, stone is widely used. However, the quality of stone products on the market is mixed. However, most consumers do not know much about the types and properties of stone materials, and they are easily deceived if they are not good. Here's how to choose stones for office decoration.

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At present, the common stones in the market are marble, granite, terrazzo and synthetic stone, among which white marble is the top grade; Granite is harder than marble; Terrazzo is forged from cement, concrete and other raw materials; Synthetic stone is made from crushed stone of natural stone by pressing and polishing with adhesive.

However, the quality of stone depends on its quality and processing technology. Generally speaking, the stone with uniform fine material structure has fine texture and belongs to the top grade; However, the appearance effect of coarse grained and unequal grained stones is poor, the mechanical properties are uneven, and the quality is slightly poor. Therefore, the pattern tone of stone surface is an important indicator to evaluate the quality of stone. In addition, due to the influence of geological process, some fine veins and microcracks often appear in the sky stone, and the stone is easy to crack along these parts, so attention should be paid to removing them. As for the lack of edges and corners, it will affect the appearance, so attention should be paid to the selection. However, if the processing technology and process are not up to the standard, the finished products will appear warpage, depression, color spots, stains, missing edges and corners, cracks, color lines, pits and other phenomena after processing. Such stones are certainly not "top grade". Therefore, the experts said that the natural stone should be the plate with neat cutting edges, smooth surface, high brightness, and no roughness when touched by hand.

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It is suggested that the owner should choose those light colored stones as the floor decoration materials when choosing the stones for office decoration, which can give a warm and quiet feeling and also have the effect of expanding the floor area. In terms of variety, we should try to choose those wear-resistant, acid and alkali resistant marble and granite stones. From the price point of view, the light colored granite series with large output is relatively cheap, suitable for owners with low budget, and it is also good to replace damaged parts. In terms of plate specification, granite sheet (8~12mm) should be selected as far as possible for the ground, mainly considering the strength of the ground and the bearing capacity of the house.

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