Civil Engineering Online Forum \ Decoration design \ Decoration design renderings \ Pioneer · Private house log style: simple and mild home

Pioneer · Private house log style: simple and mild home

Published on: 2023-12-19 10:43:19 come from: Decoration design / Decoration design renderings [Copy and forward]
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McDull and Mai Mei are a warm and lively couple. They have a lovely and handsome son and only three people live there. They also want to establish more communication with their families and enhance the interaction between parents and children, so this case focuses on the living room of the family.

An open public space is a reception area, a leisure area, a learning area, and a parent-child interaction area. The sun shines into the room through the large French windows, which is warm and pleasant.

The wrong way of block threading makes the original structure more than an independent existence, highlighting the resonance and harmony of the whole space.

The three functional zones of open kitchen and guest kitchen are closely linked, with excellent openness and interactivity. The moving line is smooth and interlinked, which solves the problem of insufficient lighting in the house space.

The overall color of the master bedroom is very comfortable and quiet, giving people the expectation of years of peace. Part of the space has been given to the public toilet, and the master bedroom has also kept its proper size.

The upper and lower beds made in the children's room are Versailles' words: nothing else, just to let Maibao "play" better and "do whatever he wants" in his own small space

The bathroom layout is ingenious and flexible, and the space scale is controlled reasonably to ensure ergonomic comfort. On the premise of this, the bathroom is equipped with a double hand basin "bathroom"

Project address: Huaihua · Kairui Mingmen
Project area: 110 ㎡
Project type: residential indoor
Service mode: design+construction
Design unit: see address:
Construction unit: see address:

Large ink space design

The difference between life and home lies in the various ways in which the happiness you want is similar.

——Oscar Delarenta

The interaction between space and nature has always been a proposition that cannot be deviated from in space design. In cities, this state of interaction with nature is more developed from the penetration of natural light.

Under the condition of good light in the basic space conditions, we will try our best to arrange the public area in the area with the longest lighting time in the west, so as to fully enjoy the most natural part of the city.

The extended space uses light as the layout logic, so that we can more clearly perceive the light dark relationship formed by nature.

For the standard of home space design, we take the owner's living habits as the basis, combined with the geographical characteristics of the place itself, and finally present the "appropriate" customized expression.

Alva Alto once said: "The task of designers is to create a paradise on the earth". For the designers of private residence space, it is to create a paradise for each inhabitant.

We hope that the design itself can abandon unnecessary existence, simplify as much as possible on the basis of ensuring practicality, and give more space to users to enrich.

The purer the more artistic, when life and space get rid of the meaningless majority, there can be space to face the most authentic minority.

But the true minority comes from the sunshine, the wind and the long days

Project name: Vanke · Jade World
Design company: Big Ink Space Design
Project location: Wenzhou, Zhejiang
Project area: 240 ㎡
Main materials: micro cement, wood veneer, marble

Decoration design renderings

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60 square meters, modern American style, simple and elegant masonry, light apartment

The interior design project completed recently was jointly designed by the daughter and Oliver team. Based on the preferences and living habits of both parents, the daughter and her family occasionally extended their visit and stay to plan a comfortable residence for parents. The whole room is designed in the American style preferred by my mother. It is practical and comfortable to create woodwork, stone and system cabinet. It also stacks these materials to create the American classical level. In color matching, we jump out of the age frame and choose lively colors to match, so as to inject more vitality into the space. The space on the small flat floor is flexibly used to expand the main rest space. Therefore, the wall of the master bedroom is extrapolated. The middle island is set in the living room area to give desk applications. The space for many people to have dinner is used. The sofa is equipped with face windows to extend the sense of vision and space.

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