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Five key points of office decoration design layout

Published on: 2023-12-13 10:33:13 come from: Decoration design / Decoration design renderings [Copy and forward]

Shenzhen office decoration includes office ceiling, furniture, paint, water and electricity, weakness and other projects. It is a relatively complex process, involving different fields and knowledge. We should not forget to pursue functional practicality while demanding a beautiful office environment. The style design of the office reflects the cultural connotation and industry nature of the company. The layout planning is the beginning of the design work, so which five key points should be referred to for office decoration layout?

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Adequate daylighting

Create a well lit office space. Although most offices are well lit with fluorescent lamps, they are not flattering. We need reasonable collocation and layout to soften the glare of light, such as the floor and desk lamp, or even a unique pendant lamp hanging in the office of the conference table. Let the office facilities, decorations and lights in the whole space be integrated and unified.

Choose a color

Choose colors that reflect your company's specific business. Banks or other financial institutions should adhere to soft and elegant colors, such as luminous gray; Shocked graphic design or advertising of the office, and leave a deep impression, bright colors are indispensable in office design.

Choose the right style of office furniture

After choosing colors for office decoration, we should start to choose the style of office furniture. For example, the office building of the company may prefer fashionable and modern desks and chairs, while the office decoration may adhere to the office furniture or facilities of classic and eternal design.

Highly comfortable tables and chairs

Take good care of your customers and employees, and equip them with highly comfortable tables and chairs. High quality chairs are not much cheaper than ordinary tables and chairs, but they can improve employees' sense of quality and avoid physical fatigue after long work, making your employees and customers feel different.

Comfortable soft clothes and green plants

The office decoration of many enterprises feels stiff and rigid. Create a good first impression and make your office attractive. We can hang framed artworks or photos on the wall; Put green plants on outdoor bookshelves and desks. The whole space will become energetic because of these decorations.

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You may have a general understanding of the decoration design of Shenzhen office through the above explanation.

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How to avoid the trap of office decoration quotation?

1. The normal standard budget table shall include the cost items of main materials, auxiliary materials and labor. In addition, the budget table shall also include budget description, process description, material description and acceptance criteria. Some contain special process instructions. Pay attention to whether special processes require additional costs? 2. One item shall be added to the budget table: the total final settlement price shall not exceed 5% of the total budget price, and the company shall be responsible for the excess part of office decoration. (This range can be considered according to the economic capacity of each student and the amount of money planned to spend on office decoration.) This is the key point. If the final settlement price doubles, the budget table will lose its meaning. Moreover, it should be noted that the office decoration company is responsible for over counting, wrong counting and missing counting. If it exceeds the standard, the office decoration company should be fully responsible.

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