Civil Engineering Online Forum \ Architectural design \ 3dmax/sketchup \ 3ds Max Quick Create Trailing Curtain

3ds Max Quick Create Trailing Curtain

Published on: 2023-12-01 10:47:01 come from: Architectural design / 3dmax/sketchup [Copy and forward]

Today, let's talk about the production of curtains

Use the "cloth" modifier to simulate curtains. This is the use of "MassFX Dynamics". The advantage is that the simulation speed is fast, but the disadvantage is that the lower version of max is not supported. Today we will talk about You don't have to worry about the version of the "cloth". You can also use the "cloth" to achieve the tablecloth effect.

Speaking of curtains, they must be the most common indoor decorations in our daily life. They can shade and insulate heat, regulate indoor light and protect our personal privacy (⊙ o ⊙)~

So here comes the question~How to quickly create natural and realistic curtains in 3ds Max? See the text~

1. The first step is to create a spline in the top view (turn on smoothing to create a smooth transition).

2. Reduce the difference value of the spline (in order to prevent the extruded lines from being too dense).

3. Extrude the spline and increase the number of segments (making each face close to a square).

4. Create the ground for the curtain as a collision object (so that the curtain can hang on the ground when it falls).

5. Add the "Cloth" modifier to our curtain, and open the object properties and click Add Object.

6. Add the plane we just created.

7. Then set the attributes of the plane as the collision object, so that the curtain can fall on the ground (depth and compensation can prevent the two objects from crossing each other when they collide).

8. Then select the curtain and set its attribute to "Cloth". We select "cotton" in the preset and confirm (remember to click OK).

9. Find the simulation parameters rollout under the Cloth modifier, and check Self Collision and Check Intersection (this is to prevent the cloth material from crossing itself).

10. Switch to the Face level of the Cloth editor, and select the top face of the curtain.

11. Click "Simulate Local" and "Dynamic Drag", and these two buttons will be highlighted after clicking. This is to move the face we just selected.

12. The moment to witness the miracle finally came~Yes~It moved with your dragging~(This is a test of the performance of all PCs. If the real card can reduce the number of faces and segments when creating the model, it will be very smooth).

13. Keep dragging until you find a satisfactory angle to stop moving and exit the "face" level.

14. At this time, if the number of faces of your model is very low and looks not smooth enough, we will add "mesh smoothing" to the curtain and modify "iteration number" to make it more smooth~(Note that "iteration number" should not be too high, otherwise the subdivision will crash if it is too high)


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