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How to deal with office decoration pollution? After reading it, you will know how to solve it

Published on: 2023-10-13 11:09:13 come from: Decoration design / Decoration design renderings [Copy and forward]

The office of the company has just been renovated and moved into the office. Because the site is rented and there are expenses every day, the company leaders want to quickly let the company operate normally. However, the newly renovated office often uses some harmful gases left behind, and slight human pollution will lead to dizziness, Severe pollution will directly cause great harm to personnel. What about office decoration pollution? How should we deal with it. The following small editor will bring you three questions and three answers; In daily office decoration pollution, there are usually three ways for everyone to choose.


1. Formaldehyde removal with trapper

The role of the trapper can capture and decompose formaldehyde molecules, which is the real use of chemical reaction to treat formaldehyde, and decompose formaldehyde into water and ammonia. Because this is a chemical reaction, the capture in the process of decomposition also has this consumption, which is a synchronous reduction process. While formaldehyde is reducing, the capture agent is also reducing.

2. Activated carbon adsorption method

The use of activated carbon should be recognized as a way to remove formaldehyde. Activated carbon technology is relatively mature, without other chemical additives, and activated carbon materials are used to manufacture export masks and gas masks. It also has no impact on human body. It will not cause so-called secondary pollution when used in office space. If it is placed for dozens of grams per square meter, it can basically remove indoor odor within 72 hours.

3. Window opening ventilation removal

Through the circulation of indoor air, reduce the content of harmful substances in indoor air to achieve the harm of such substances to human body. If the outdoor door is always closed, the indoor air cannot circulate, not only the indoor formaldehyde content will increase, but also ammonia will continue to increase.

The above three methods of how to get rid of office decoration pollution, do you think you can completely remove indoor formaldehyde at one time?

1、 Ventilation can quickly remove formaldehyde?

As mentioned above, we can use ventilation to circulate the indoor air, so as to remove formaldehyde. However, according to our understanding, formaldehyde has a larger proportion than air, resulting in precipitation. Even if we open the window for ventilation, all formaldehyde will not be completely released in a short time. Some substances are released slowly, It can last for 3-10 years.

2、 Environmental protection decoration must be free of pollution?

Environmental protection decoration is just a fashionable and vigorously promoted decoration method. However, we should be clear that environmental protection decoration does not necessarily leave harmful gases, but it reduces some toxic substances in Shenzhen, so don't completely ignore the existence of harmful gases.

3、 Use plants to absorb formaldehyde?

It is also very convenient to use the adsorption method of green plants in daily life, which can also play a good role in indoor decoration, but in fact, the breathing capacity of plants is limited. If the indoor formaldehyde exceeds the standard, thousands of pots of plants need to be placed and there is continuous light to have a certain effect.

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