Civil Engineering Online Forum \ Landscape \ Ecological garden \ Jiuya, an ancient scholar. You don't know about Chinese romance

Jiuya, an ancient scholar. You don't know about Chinese romance

Published on: 2023-06-15 13:56:15 come from: Landscape / Ecological garden [Copy and forward]




The ancients loved incense and could not live without it. The incense road has been passed down for thousands of years.
A wisp of cigarette can be misty in the temple hall, or lingering in the fragrance of books and ink. In the quiet room, watch silently and enjoy yourself during the dinner. Smell the fragrance with your nose and understand it with your heart. Feel the beauty of flexibility between vagueness and vagueness.


Pine ash


Drinking tea can calm the mind and mind, help to cultivate sentiment and eliminate distractions. This is in line with the Eastern philosophy of advocating "purity and tranquility". You can make a pot of tea in your busy schedule and choose a quiet place to enjoy beauty.


Grinding tea | mixing cream | ordering tea


Listening to the rain is a way to treat everything with a calm attitude and listen to the sound of rain falling on the earth. Like the pattering rain drops, it is a lullaby played by the rain elves, which enables all creatures on the earth to sleep safely and obtain a kind of spiritual comfort.



Appreciating the crystal and pure snowflakes makes people think that in this earthly world, we should also maintain a pure and flawless like snowflakes, and maintain an extraordinary and refined state of mind.



In Chinese traditional culture, the image of the moon often becomes the carrier of human thoughts and feelings, and its implication is very rich. In many poems chanting the moon, the poet integrates the moon into his inner thoughts and feelings, and makes the moon and his inner thoughts and feelings reflect each other, creating many beautiful aesthetic moods, and elevating the literary taste, ideological connotation and artistic attainments of the poem to a very high level.


Mid Autumn Festival Moon Worship Ceremony | The ancients not only appreciated the moon but also worshipped the moon, which means burning incense in the courtyard to worship the moon god


The spirit of wine culture is rooted in Taoist philosophy, which pursues absolute freedom and forgets life and death, wealth, honor and disgrace. It is the essence of Chinese wine culture spirit. Moreover, when the ancients drank, they also integrated hundreds of words, songs, ballads, proverbs, allusions and couplets into the wine culture.



Cultivate one's morality by planting flowers and grass. Since ancient times, Chinese people have been very close to flowers and plants, and ancient scholars prefer to express their aspirations and express their feelings with flowers. Although staying at home, you can also feel the nature of heaven and earth among the flowers and grass. Plant a flower and wait for it to bloom. Peach, plum and white fragrance are full of clothes. There are four seasons, and there are four seasons. The beauty of flowers and plants is the beauty of nature.



Traveling to the ends of the world, they preferred seclusion. They looked all over the mountains and rivers not for conquest, but for peace of mind. So the ancients stayed alone and guarded their hearts, often seeking seclusion.
The mountain light can delight the birds, and the empty valley and clear pool can reflect the shadow. Every time I ask you, it is like a wandering without a destination. I go down to the depths of the wilderness where no one has a destination. There are deep trees and birds singing on the top, and cattails under the wind. There is silence around, only my own heartbeat. Looking for a secluded place is also looking for a pure land in your heart.



The zither is the most noble musical instrument in ancient Chinese culture. It is said that "scholars do not withdraw the zither without reason" and "left the zither and right the book". The story of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi who became bosom friends with "high mountains and flowing water" has been handed down to this day; The zither stand is regarded as a symbol of friendship. Playing the flute, singing poems and painting, hiking, drinking and singing songs have become a vivid portrayal of the life of literati and doctors.


Zhang Chao, a litterateur in the Qing Dynasty, once said, "One should not be idle, not idle." The ancients valued cultivating one's moral character and character, cultivating one's sentiments. If one is poor, one should be independent, and if one reaches the goal, one should be both good and good. Both the idealism of entering the world and the open-minded mind of being born. Elegance is a tranquility and indifference that comes from the heart. You can get away from the busyness and leave a space of leisure in the place of numerous thoughts.       


Part of the Painting of Spring Dawn in the Han Palace by Ming Qiu Ying

It vividly represents the spring recreation of ladies

Su Dongpo, a native of Song Dynasty, said in his poem, "The wind and the moon in the mountains are the masters of impermanence. The idle are the masters.".       

If you have no leisure, why should you attach yourself?

Ecological garden

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