Civil Engineering Online Forum \ Review Title \ Fujian Professional Title \ In 2023, Fujian Provincial Department of Human Resources forwarded the Notice on Further Doing a Good Job in Professional Title Evaluation

In 2023, Fujian Provincial Department of Human Resources forwarded the Notice on Further Doing a Good Job in Professional Title Evaluation

Published on: 2023-05-24 11:34:24 come from: Review Title / Fujian Professional Title [Copy and forward]

The documents in this edition are quite important for the professional title management personnel, with rich connotation, especially two thousand and twenty-three year six Complete the revision of various review standards before the end of the month. two thousand and twenty-three Before the end of the year, we will systemically sort out the professional title evaluation specialties set up in this region, form a professional title evaluation specialty directory, and publish it to the public. " It will be the focus of this year's professional title reform. There is a subversive structural change in the current professional title evaluation system, and it may also have a fundamental definition of the evaluation of "non-public titles (also called supplementary series)" in various regions. "Overseas returnees, Party and government exchange personnel, or military personnel transferred to enterprises and institutions to engage in professional and technical work can directly apply for corresponding professional titles according to professional level and work performance and with reference to the evaluation standards of similar personnel when applying for professional titles for the first time." The provisions of the "Three Year Plan" will be the good news for the vast number of veterans to be transferred.

However, from an individual point of view, the minor editors are more inclined to strictly manage the professional title standards, especially to have a clear definition of the professional standards that should be achieved at all levels, so as to improve the definition of talents, help the society respect professional talents, and fundamentally eliminate the emergence of "brick".


MRSW [2023] No. 12
Human Resources and Social Security Bureaus of Districted Cities , Party Working Committee of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, relevant units directly under the provincial government:
In order to further implement the spirit of the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on Further Improving the Evaluation of Professional Titles (hereinafter referred to as the Notice), we hereby forward the document to you and notify you of the following matters:
1、 Improve ideological awareness. All localities and units should follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the new deployment and new requirements of the 20th CPC National Congress on talent work, further improve their political standing, and closely combine the spirit of conveying and studying the Notice with the spirit of studying and implementing the 20th CPC National Congress, and the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on Fujian work, Organize relevant personnel of the unit to carefully study the contents of the Notice and accurately understand the spiritual essence.
2、 Do a good job of implementation. It is necessary to further improve the service and management of professional titles, carefully check item by item in accordance with the requirements of the Notice, timely adjust the working ideas and improve relevant policies. First, we should focus on the major development strategies of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, strengthen the construction of the talent team of the "four major economies", and the competent departments of the relevant professional title series should actively explore the establishment of "new evaluation majors" to actively serve the economic and social development. Second, we should adhere to the focus of "breaking the four rationalities" and "establishing new standards", strengthen investigation and research, actively reform and innovation, support local governments to carry out special reviews around key characteristic industries, explore the inclusion of new occupations such as blockchain and big data in the scope of professional title review, revise and improve the evaluation standards of various professional titles, and the competent departments of various professional title series (specialties) two thousand and twenty-three year six The revision of professional title review standards shall be completed before the end of the month. Third, we should make good use of the title information system, simplify and optimize the service process, standardize the procedures and application materials, and effectively promote the implementation of reform tasks. 2023  Before the end of the year, the human resources and social security departments of the cities divided into districts should systemically sort out the professional title evaluation specialties set up in their own regions, form a professional title evaluation specialty directory, and publish it to the public.
3、 Strengthen work guarantee. All localities and units should strengthen organizational leadership and reform the security mechanism. First, we should strengthen the main responsibility. All localities and units should make a smooth connection between the policies before and after the reform, and properly handle the problems encountered in the reform process. Highlight the primary responsibility of the jury and the organizing unit. If the jury and the organizing unit do not strictly control the application materials and violate the review procedures and regulations, their review work will be stopped as appropriate, and the review results will be declared invalid until the review right is withdrawn. Second, we should make overall plans for service and supervision. Human resources and social security departments at all levels and series (professional) competent departments should strengthen in-process and post event supervision, and establish a system of accountability for key supervision and inspection and backtracking. Strengthen the guidance, supervision and inspection of the evaluation committee with delegated review rights through random inspection, process inspection, declaration and publicity, and result review. Third, we should strengthen policy interpretation and public opinion monitoring, focus on the concentration of letters and visits and the problems reflected by the masses, respond to social concerns in a timely manner, and ensure the smooth implementation of reform.   
Please report the implementation and difficulties and problems to the Human Resources Management Department of Public Institutions of the Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department in a timely manner.
Fujian Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security
two thousand and twenty-three year two month ten day
Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on Further Improving the Professional Title Evaluation
Human Resources and Social Security Department [ two thousand and twenty-two sixty number
The human resources and social security departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the personnel departments of all ministries and commissions of the State Council, all institutions directly under the State Council, and the personnel departments of relevant central enterprises:
In order to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Central Talent Working Conference, continue to deepen the reform of the professional title system, and strive to solve the "one size fits all" and simplification problems in the professional title evaluation, according to the Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Professional Title System issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council, we hereby notify you of the following matters related to the professional title evaluation.
1、 Dynamically adjust the professional title evaluation specialty. The national professional title series remained generally stable, and the professional title evaluation specialty was dynamically adjusted. The evaluation specialty with strong versatility and large talent scale shall be established by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in conjunction with the competent departments of relevant industries. The provincial human resources and social security department may, together with the provincial competent departments of the relevant industries, set up new evaluation specialties around the major national strategic needs and industrial development needs. Employers with the right to review professional titles can set up new review disciplines based on the actual development of the unit, and report to the human resources and social security department for filing according to the management authority Explore the inclusion of new professions such as big data, blockchain, cloud computing, integrated circuit, artificial intelligence, technology brokerage, creative design, etc. into the scope of professional title review. Support local governments to set up special evaluation specialties around characteristic industries and key industrial chains and carry out special evaluation Through "one industry, one policy" and "one chain, one policy", we will realize the integrated development of industry chain, talent chain and innovation chain. The provincial human resources and social security department shall establish a professional title review catalogue and implement list management.
2、 Scientific formulation of professional title evaluation standards. With the breakthrough of breaking the "Four Only" and establishing the "New Standard", and the goal of stimulating the innovative vitality of professional and technical talents, we adhere to the principle of "first establish before breaking", try to avoid "one size fits all" and simplification, highlight the orientation of morality, ability and performance, revise the evaluation standards of professional titles by series and disciplines, and establish a system that reflects ideological and moral character, professional ethics, professional ability, technical level, academic influence Multi dimensional evaluation indicators such as innovation effectiveness, decision-making consultation, talent training, public service, etc., form and implement professional title evaluation standards conducive to professional and technical talents' dedicated research and innovation. Gradually develop new professional and technical standards, and promote the convergence of new professional standards and professional title evaluation standards. It is encouraged to refine professional title evaluation standards from professional standards, technical standards and industrial standards, and take work performance, innovative achievements, ability to solve practical problems, etc. as the core content of evaluation. According to the characteristics of different disciplines, explore and establish evaluation criteria that can identify talented and potential talents.
3、 Reasonably set requirements for papers and scientific research achievements. The professional title series with strong practicality, such as health, engineering, art, and primary and secondary school teachers, do not take papers as the main evaluation index of professional title evaluation, and the evaluation standards should not simply set rigid requirements such as the number of papers and impact factors. For research series talents, focus on original achievements and high-quality papers, pay attention to the evaluation of original contributions, academic influence and research ability, and downplay the requirements for the number of papers. Each title series has gradually changed the "mandatory" of papers into "multiple" of achievements, and established a "menu" evaluation index system. Promote the system of representative achievements. Performance achievements such as standard development, technology promotion, technical solutions, innovative breakthroughs, high-quality patents, achievements transformation, theoretical articles, think tank achievements, literary and artistic works, teaching plans, medical records, etc. can participate in the title review as representative achievements. Explored and approved by the Academic Committee Peer expert review Third party organization evaluation, international peer evaluation and other methods to improve the authority of representative achievement evaluation. Human resources and social security departments at all levels cooperate with competent authorities of relevant industries to crack down on violations of disciplines and regulations such as proxy writing and distribution of papers and false publication, and encourage researchers to publish high-quality papers in domestic scientific and technological journals. For academic misconduct such as plagiarism, plagiarism and improper signature, it shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Rules for Investigation and Handling of Scientific Research Dishonesty, and the obtained professional title shall be revoked and recorded in the integrity archive of professional title application and review. If the circumstances are serious, the professional title and post promotion qualification shall be canceled within a certain period of time.
4、 Reduce qualifications, awards and other restrictions. Each professional title series only provides basic requirements for the applicant's education , those who do not have the required educational background but have outstanding achievements and contributions, May be determined by two More than peer experts with senior professional titles recommend exceptional application Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations. In addition to the series or specialties related to public safety and personal health, If the major is inconsistent with the major you have learned, you can apply for a professional title based on your long-term professional experience. Part time education and full-time education, graduates of vocational schools and graduates of ordinary schools at the same level enjoy the same treatment in professional title evaluation. Graduates from intermediate class, senior class and preparatory technician (technician) class of technical colleges can apply for corresponding series of professional titles according to their technical secondary school, junior college and undergraduate degrees. It is not allowed to take scientific research projects, amount of funds, awards, levels of papers and journals, titles, titles, etc. as restrictive requirements for professional title evaluation.
5、 Improve peer evaluation mechanism. Establish a professional and self-discipline title review committee to carry out fair, representative and authoritative peer evaluations. High end talents can be evaluated by international peers, Small peer evaluation can be adopted for group evaluation of professional titles Give play to the role of the academic community in peer evaluation, and encourage direct peer evaluation of the results themselves. Establish professional title evaluation expert recommendation and selection, training and assessment, credit record, withdrawal punishment and other systems. Strengthen the construction of professional title evaluation expert database, and select experts with high professional and technical level, close to the frontline of scientific research and production, and recognized in the industry as evaluation experts. We will strengthen the assessment of the performance of the evaluation experts, take the assessment results as an important basis for selecting experts, and explore the establishment of a peer evaluation accountability mechanism. Further standardize the approval and filing work of professional title review committees at all levels, The review results are not included in the national title review information query and verification system
6、 Open the green channel for professional title review. Professional and technical talents who have made major breakthroughs in basic research and cutting-edge technology, solved major engineering and technical problems or made significant contributions to various economic and social undertakings, introduced overseas high-level talents and urgently needed talents can directly apply for senior professional titles in the way of "one case, one discussion" and "one person, one policy". Overseas returnees, those who have been exchanged by the Party and government organs or relocated to enterprises and institutions for professional and technical work can directly apply for corresponding professional titles according to their professional level and work performance and with reference to the evaluation standards of similar personnel when applying for professional titles for the first time. We will explore special methods for evaluating professional titles of talents in special fields such as national defense, science and technology.
7、 Carry out "targeted evaluation and targeted use" of professional titles. With the key counties supported by the national rural revitalization as the main body, carry out "targeted evaluation and targeted use" of professional titles at the grass-roots level below the county level. All localities shall independently establish the conditions for professional title review, appropriately relax the requirements for academic qualifications and scientific research, and mainly investigate professional ethics, practical ability, work performance, task completion, public recognition, etc. "Targeted evaluation" can be conducted in separate groups and reviews. The obtained professional titles are limited to the grass-roots level, and the review results shall be filed by the human resources and social security department according to the management authority. The middle and senior posts of "targeted evaluation and targeted use" are subject to total amount control, separate proportion, and dedicated posts. They do not account for the proportion of professional and technical posts in various regions. They are set and managed separately from permanent posts. The local human resources and social security departments, together with the competent departments of the industry, strengthen the macro-control of the quantity and structure of "targeted evaluation".
8、 Give play to the main role of employers. According to the type of unit and the characteristics of the post, the authority of professional title review should be delegated in an orderly manner, and more decision-making power should be granted to employers. Support national laboratories to carry out independent evaluation of senior professional titles. Units with the right to review professional titles formulate professional title review standards in combination with objectives, tasks, job responsibilities, performance appraisal, etc., and scientifically and reasonably define the requirements for papers, scientific research achievements, etc. Encourage the identification of talents through multiple evaluation methods, such as peer evaluation, technical skills competition, unveiling, service object evaluation, and promote the combination of evaluation and application. Employing units should earnestly fulfill the responsibilities of the main body of recommendation and declaration, and be responsible for the authenticity of the morality, ability and performance of the declaration personnel. National key laboratories, national technology innovation centers, science and technology leading enterprises, industry leading enterprises, etc. can recommend the technical director of the unit to directly assess the corresponding level of professional titles. Support the science center and innovation highland to adopt more flexible professional title evaluation and employment mechanism. Employers should earnestly fulfill their main responsibilities, and those who fail to use authorization and fulfill their responsibilities should be held accountable.
9、 Optimize professional title review services. Further unblock the application channels for foreign talents, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan talents, freelance talents, highly skilled talents and rural practical talents. Optimize the professional title review workflow, integrate management into the service, and reduce the application materials and certification materials. Strengthen the informatization construction of professional title evaluation, promote the electronic certificate of professional title, and accelerate the national query and verification of professional title evaluation results. Continue to carry out the special action to clean up the "four only", and timely interview and rectify the "four only" practices in the application, recommendation and review of professional titles. Strengthen professional title review and filing management, patrol inspection, information disclosure, data monitoring, etc., unblock complaint reporting channels, and actively accept social supervision. Seriously deal with the phenomenon of "saying hello" and "circle review" in professional title review, and create a clean and upright professional title review environment.
It is an important measure to further deepen the reform of the professional title system to continuously promote the professional title evaluation to break the "four only" and establish a "new standard". Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, all relevant units around the country should fully implement the new deployment and new requirements of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China for talent work, further improve their political position, adhere to the principle of the Party governing talent, improve their ideological understanding, go deep into the frontline at the grass-roots level, strengthen investigation and research, and effectively take effective measures to promote the implementation of reform tasks. two thousand and twenty-three year six Complete the revision of various review standards before the end of the month. two thousand and twenty-three Before the end of the year, we will systemically sort out the professional title review specialties set up in this region, form a professional title review specialty directory, and publish it to the public. Report to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in time the important problems encountered in the process of promoting the reform of the professional title system.

Fujian Professional Title

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