Civil Engineering Online Forum \ Landscape \ Ecological garden \ Chongqing's first municipal sponge city rainwater garden demonstration base has been completed and opened!

Chongqing's first municipal sponge city rainwater garden demonstration base has been completed and opened!

Published on: 2023-05-15 10:35:15 come from: Landscape / Ecological garden [Copy and forward]


First in Chongqing Municipal sponge city rainwater garden demonstration base

Built in Yubei District and open to the public

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You can enjoy the scenery at the same time

Deepen understanding Sponge City

Sponge City Rainwater Garden Demonstration Base

The demonstration base Located in Chongqing Central Park

from Chongqing City city Pipeline integration Administration affair core

Yubei District Housing and Urban Rural Development Committee

Jointly built by Zhongji Zhonglian Engineering Co., Ltd

area covered About 700 square meters

The demonstration base fully integrates the sponge concept with the garden landscape

Match according to different structures and plants

Create 6 Applicable to different scenes rain Garden facilities

Can collect and purify Happy Plaza

About 2000 square meters of rainwater runoff on impervious ground

Rainwater is stored in the reservoir on rainy days

It can be used for surrounding landscape irrigation in sunny days

While effectively reducing the initial rainwater collection intensity and non-point source pollution

It also provides a

Pleasant, fresh and pleasant scenery

It fully demonstrates the ecology, recreation Balanced realization of landscape and other functions

Sponge City Rainwater Garden Demonstration Base

Walk into the base

The flowers, plants and trees are scattered in an orderly manner, and are green everywhere

The sponge design concept is reflected in every detail

You can also walk inside the Rainwater Garden Base

Explore the mystery of "sponge"

Become a "participant" and "supporter" of sponge city construction

Sponge City Rainwater Garden Demonstration Base

in recent years

Chongqing systematically promotes the construction of sponge city

Steadily improve the proportion of area up to standard and construction level

By the end of 2022

Standard Area of Chongqing Sponge City 626.9 square kilometers

Proportion in built-up area 34.2%

Totally owned by the whole city 29 district and county

Follow the route of "source emission reduction, process control and system governance"

Formed 34 Typical drainage zoning

Focus on building 107 Source emission reduction project

Wanzhou District Three Gorges Vocational College campus sponge city pilot


Landscape construction of sponge city

It is not unilateral, but only ornamental

But at the same time of landscape design

Give consideration to water ecological transformation and water environment improvement

Pay equal attention to function and art

Let a city be both practical and elegant

  •  Defender of Peace

    Equal emphasis on function and art

    Improve water ecological transformation and water environment

    2023-08-13 19:18:13

    reply report
    agree with one
  •  Yj Blue sky

    It's really good. Thanks for sharing

    2023-08-12 09:10:12

    reply report
    agree with zero

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